Organization Focal Points
The procedures for the preparation of IPBES deliverables (set out in annex I to decision IPBES-3/3) invites relevant stakeholders (qualified national, regional, and international scientific organizations, centres of excellence and institutions known for their work and expertise), to present candidates in response to calls for the nomination of experts to prepare IPBES deliverables. The table below presents the names of nominated organization focal points.
Organizations are requested to designate or update focal points through the following form:
Please report any incorrect information by writing to [email protected]
Organization | Name | Designation | |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | Meike Teschke | Focal point | |
DHI Water & Environment (Malaysia) | Syed Mohazri Bin Syed Hazari | Focal point | |
Doğa Koruma Merkezi (Nature Conservation Centre) | Yıldıray Lise | Focal point | |
Ecopath International Initiative (EII) | Jeroen Steenbeek | Focal point | |
Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) | Rudolf De Groot | Focal point | |
Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) | Imran Ahimbisibwe | Focal point | |
ESENIAs | Ahmet Uludag | Focal point | |
European Weed Research Society | Matthias Schumacher | Focal point | |
Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism | Mehmed Cero | Focal point | |
Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria | Oluwakemi Abosede | Focal point | |
Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) | Agnes Hallosserie | Focal point | |
Friends of the Earth International | Nele Mariën | Focal point | |
FSC International | Marion Karmann | Focal point | |
Future Earth | Viola Baldeschi | Focal point | |
Future Earth Philippines | Nestor T. Baguinon | Focal point | |
German IPBES Coordination Office | Mariam Akhtar-Schuster | Focal point | |
Global Conservation Standard | Ederson Zanetti | Focal point | |
IMBER | John Claydon | Focal point | |
INCDS Marin Dracea | Ancuta Fedorca | Focal point (secondary) | |
INRAE | Claire Weill | Focal point | |
Institute for Biodiversity Network (IBN) | Axel Paulsch | Focal point | |
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) | Andre Mader | Focal point | |
Institute for sustainable development and research India (ISDR) | Kalpana Chaudhari | Focal point | |
Institute of Botany of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia | Alla Aleksanyan | Focal point | |
Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, CAS and MWR | Fei Wang | nfp | |
Institute Of Zoology, Zoological Society Of London Uk | Nathalie Pettorelli | Focal point | |
Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) | Matias Mastrangelo | Focal point | |
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) | Nakul Chettri | Focal point | |
International Fund for Animal Welfare | Kate Wall | Focal point | |
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) | Sergey Sizov | Focal point |