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Progress in the detection of the impacts of climate change on biodiversity, conservation gaps, and areas with high concentrations of invasive species today depends heavily on georeferenced biodiversity occurrence data


Basic inventorying of biodiversity is far from complete in the Americas. Accumulated species descriptions for vascular plants have not yet reached an asymptote. - With very few exceptions, we currently lack accurate knowledge of biodiversity at the biome level. Data on population sizes and genetic diversity is scarce outside the North American subregion. Likewise, long-term series data are few and far between making it difficult to detect temporal trends.


More holistic evaluations should put greater attention on the role of regulating and non-material (cultural) NCP when assessing land change processes and well change in the ocean - more comprehensive assessments of costs, benefits and values are necessary to more fully understand the relationship of nature and quality of life at the regional and subregional scales.