IIFBES at the IPBES plenary
Coming soon: IPBES 10 Stakeholder Day (27 August 2023, Bonn, Germany). The participation of members of Indigenous Peoples and local communities is warmly welcomed. Read more and register here
IIFBES activities at the IPBES Plenary
The IPBES Plenary is the meeting of the IPBES member states, observers and stakeholders, which is preceded by a Stakeholder Day (see below). It is possible to access the Plenary as an observer (without speaking or voting rights). Membership of IIFBES does not confer observer status, but members of IIFBES can apply for observer status as organizations (e.g. an Indigenous community organization can apply). A list of accredited observers can be found here.
IIFBES coordinates different activities during the IPBES Plenary and Stakeholder Days to enhance participation by Indigenous Peoples and local communities, including organizing a caucus to provide a space for Indigenous Peoples and local communities to discuss and plan their participation.
Representatives of IIFBES can also make an opening statement at the start of each IPBES plenary. This is an opportunity to highlight progress and ongoing challenges. The statement is prepared collaboratively with IIFBES members during the Stakeholder Days (although inputs may be sought before this time through email requests etc.). If there is time in the schedule, IIFBES may also present a closing statement, often reflecting on points which arose during the Plenary.
Past IIFBES Plenary statements:
IPBES Stakeholder Days
IPBES Stakeholder Days are open to all IPBES stakeholders and IIFBES members and typically take place in the days before the Plenary. The focus is on the engagement of stakeholders and Indigenous Peoples and local communities in IPBES activities and processes, as well as on the current Plenary agenda.
The IIFBES facilitation group participates in the planning process for the Stakeholder Days to ensure relevance and participation for Indigenous Peoples and local communities.