Online conference to seek early input into the scoping process of the business and biodiversity assessment
Welcome to this IPBES online conference!
Purpose and outcome
This online conference is held at the very initial phase in the production of an IPBES assessment. It is intended to seek broad input, including from scientists and other knowledge holders, representatives of Governments, and from institutions and organisations, to help identify the key questions and themes that the assessment should address. At this early stage, the purpose is neither to define the structure of the assessment nor the set of chapters, but to focus on the elements that stakeholders would like to see addressed by the assessment, and thus to make the assessment as policy-relevant as possible.
The report on the online conference will be presented to the group of scoping experts at their meeting in April 2021 as one input to the drafting of the scoping report.
At IPBES 7, in May 2019 in Paris, the Plenary adopted the rolling work programme for IPBES up to 2030, which followed the first IPBES work programme 2014-2018 that culminated in the approval of the IPBES Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
This new work programme includes, among other assessments, a methodological assessment of the impact and dependence of business on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people (business and biodiversity assessment).
The first step in the production of this assessment, as for all IPBES assessments, consists in defining the scope of the assessment, including the overall framework, number and titles of chapters and brief description of their content, as well as a timeline and budget for the production of the assessment. This will be done at a “scoping meeting”, which is planned for 26-30 April 2021, by a team of experts, selected by the IPBES Multidisciplinary Expert Panel following a call for nominations that closed on 25 January 2021 (please see call for nominations). The “scoping report” produced at that meeting will be considered by the Plenary at IPBES 9 (tentatively planned for March 2022). The Plenary will also decide on the start of the assessment, which could begin immediately after IPBES 9, with a call for experts to produce that assessment.
This pre-scoping online conference forms part of the scoping process and contributes to the scoping report.
This online conference is taking place over 2 days, on Thursday, 25 March (Day 1) and Friday, 26 March 2021 (Day 2).
Each part will begin with an introductory talk, followed by a moderated oral exchange, ending with a period of about 24 hours for written contributions.
All times are Central European Time (CET)
Day 1: Thursday 25 March 2021 |
Time |
Item |
14.00–14.10 |
Welcome and introduction to the on-line conference: Anne Larigauderie, Executive Secretary, IPBES |
Theme 1: Types of impacts and dependences of various types of businesses on biodiversity |
14.15-14.25 |
Introduction to theme 1: Matt Jones, UNEP-WCMC |
14.25-14.35 |
Q&A |
14.35-14.45 | Extractives and energy system: Hafren Williams, Manager, Environment & Responsible Sourcing International Council on Mining and Metals, ICMM |
14.45-14.55 | Q&A |
14.55-15.05 | Infrastructure and built environment system: Oliver Schelske, Natural Assets & ESG Research Lead, Swiss Re Institute |
15.05-15.15 | Q&A |
15.15-16.00 | Discussion with panel members |
16.00 until noon on Day 2 |
Online contributions Participants are invited to provide, between 16.00 and noon the next day, short and punchy written contributions here, to complement this oral exchange. |
Day 2: Friday 26 March 2021 |
14.00–14.10 |
Welcome and recap from Day 1: Anne Larigauderie, Executive Secretary, IPBES |
Theme 2: Available indicators and metrics to measure and monitor impact and dependence |
14.15-14.25 |
Introduction to theme 2: Bianca Brasil, Programme manager on business engagement, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity |
14.25-14.35 |
Q&A |
14.35-14.45 | Food, land and ocean uses system: Helen Crowley, Head of Sustainable Sourcing & Nature Initiatives, Kering |
14.45-14.55 | Q&A |
14.55-15.05 | Finance system: Madeleine Ronquest, Head of environmental and societal risk management, FirstRand |
15.05-15.15 | Q&A |
15.15-16.00 | Discussion with panel members |
16.00 until noon on 27 March 2021 |
Online contributions Participants are invited to provide, between 16.00 and noon on 27 March 2021, short and punchy written contributions here, to complement this oral exchange. |
How can you participate in the online conference?
To register for the online conference, please click here. It is possible to fill in the registration before the webinar starts. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. (Registration is now closed!)
To participate in the online forums, please click on the links in the table below. Please note that you need to be logged-in on the IPBES website in order to contribute to the forum. If you do not have an IPBES account yet, please register here. (The online forum is now closed!)
The introductory talks of the presentations are available below.
Forum | Presentation |
Theme 1: Types of impacts and dependences of various types of businesses on biodiversity | Day 1 forum | |
Theme 2: Available indicators and metrics to measure and monitor impact and dependence | Day 2 forum |
Helen Crowley |
If you experience any technical difficulties, please contact the IPBES secretariat at [email protected].