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Participation of Observers

Participation by observers in this sixth session requires accreditation. Observers need to have completed the online registration form (at Please note that registration for Stakeholder Day does not grant access to the sixth session of the IPBES Plenary. Observers admitted to a previous session of the Plenary (please see here: will be admitted to the sixth session of the Plenary once they have applied through the online form. The Plenary will decide on the admission of new observers in accordance with the interim procedure described in paragraph 22 of the report of the first session of the Plenary (IPBES/1/12). Participants from non-accredited organizations, who would like to get their organization considered for accreditation as an observer for this session of the Plenary, are requested to provide information about their organization as part of the online form.

This process does not apply to the United Nations, its specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency, as well as any Observer State.