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Invitation to attend the sixth meeting of the IPBES capacity-building forum (12 May 2023, Nairobi, Kenya)

  • Building capacity (2nd work programme)
Notification period
Download EM/2023/11

Dear collaborative supporters and other interested stakeholders supporting or interested in supporting capacity-building under IPBES, 

The IPBES capacity-building forum brings together institutions and organizations supporting, or interested in supporting, the work on capacity-building under IPBES. It provides an arena to increase engagement and facilitate cooperation around specific thematic capacity-building areas. The forum facilitates dialogue and knowledge sharing to explore and advance common agendas and long-term alignment of relevant programmes and activities among participants. 

The Plenary, at its ninth session (IPBES 9), held in Bonn, Germany, from 3 to 9 July 2022, approved the organization of the sixth meeting of the IPBES capacity-building forum as part of its work under objective 2 of the IPBES work programme: building capacity. The sixth meeting of the IPBES capacity-building forum will focus on considerations and efforts to further build capacities of youth on the findings of IPBES assessments and engagement in the science-policy interface on biodiversity and nature contributions to people at national, regional and global level.

Youth organizations and networks engaged or wishing to engage in IPBES are herewith invited to participate in the meeting. In addition, organizations and institutions supporting or interested in supporting capacity-building of youth as described above are invited to participate in the meeting to share their efforts and activities. The sixth meeting of the IPBES capacity-building forum will be held at the National Museums of Kenya in Nairobi, Kenya, on 12 May 2023.

Participants will be invited to share capacity-building needs of youth and important aspects of how organisations and institutions are contributing, or could contribute, to developing capacities of youth and thus supporting their participation in the science-policy interface at national, regional and global level. 

  Registration: You are invited to complete the registration form through the dedicated web portal at (to access this page you will need to log in with your IPBES website login credentials. Candidates not yet registered on the IPBES website will need to do so at Please note that the registration form is in English only, as the meeting will be held in English. The registration has to be completed by 21 April 2023.

  Participants include:

  • Representatives of youth organizations and networks wishing to engage in IPBES; and
  • Organizations and institutions supporting and/or interested in developing capacities of youth under objective 2 of the IPBES work programme. 
  • Due to budget limitations, IPBES will only be able to support invited speakers from eligible countries. All other participants will need to attend at their own costs. We encourage organizations and institutions in a position to do so to support the participation of their youth member(s) in the forum. 

For any questions concerning participation in the forum, please contact the technical support unit on capacity-building at: [email protected].

I thank you for your continued support to IPBES.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Anne Larigauderie | Executive Secretary
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)