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IPBES business and biodiversity assessment report contribution

Posted by Steven.Dickinson on
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Last seen 16/12/2024
Joined 15/02/2019

The IPBES business and biodiversity assessment report should aim to offer the business communities and sectors with a generic standard framework for assessing BES impacts & dependencies, whihc can then be picked up by business sectors to develop sector specific documents. 

The generic framwork should aim to offer the following:

- a common vision to all business sector on the topic of biodiversity impacts & dependencies

- a common set of overarching Principles and Critieria & core Indicators for the evaluation method

- a toolbox for specific assessment tools & detailed methods, impacts & dependencies metrics

- a disclosure framework

The IPBES report will be a key milestone for business at large to conduct their biodiversity assessments, as the IPBES 2019 report allowed guiding many 2020 Business Biodiversity Ambition & Committments.