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Input on indicators and metrics from the Finnish IPBES working group to Business and Biodiversity assessment

Posted by ojala on
User offline
Last seen 31/05/2022
Joined 25/09/2018


The role of certificates in measuring impact?

Interest of auditors to drive a ambitious certificate?

What is the role of consumer footprint as indicator? And its connection to certificates?

Knowledge base/Science based approach/sustainable limits/no net loss

Role and opportunities of current spatial information methods in monitoring?

Role of science-based approach in corporate governance, especially in land-use. Is it feasible to determine limits and frame within which the businesses must function (i.e. one planet boundaries? Natural resources and one planet limits; how could measure and report practically function in this context? The role of ecological compensations in this? Should compensations be reserved to some resource using activities?

Is it feasible to build a hierarchy how ecological compensations should be used? For example so that (see above) sustainable limits are respected (within a sector) and ecological compensation is applied to those impacts exceeding the limits. This would be analogical to climate mechanisms but ecological limits/no net loss seems to be a weaker concept.