Draft input on impacts and dependencies of Business on Biodiversity from Finnish IPBES working group workshop
Best practices:
Best proven examples of different sectors to approach no net loss of biodiversity (especially building, food production etc.)
The best ways to engage stakeholders and include different views to stear a sector (e.g. forestry) and achieve sustanability.
How to create etc. consumer/corporate/owners/workers/citizens' demand for biodiversity? People are not only consumers, they are also, among other roles, workers, land owners, locals, food consumers and citizens etc. The plurality of roles of people is important. Is it also a key to transformative change? The interaction between business, citizens and public sector is probably crucial. Role of legislation and markets? The role of intrinsic rights of nature?
How can justice in sharing the benefits arising from the commercial and other utilisation of e.g. genetic resources be organised in a fair and equitable way? And what about other benefits?
Biodiversity is local. How to curb impacts through teleconnections and telecoupling? How to enforce right of the locals who suffer from the impacts? How to control intensification of production in one place and protect local, less intense and more sustainable, livelihoods elsewhere. Is this a relevant phenomena for biodiversity loss? Masseys classical question "In what sense a regional question?" How necessary is the international co-operation in controlling externalisation of costs?
The role of business in safeguarding resilience services and the role of Nature Based Solutions in this. Resilience services' role in business and in net sustainability.
How would businesses benefit from acknowledging biodiversity, possibly through ecological compensation all caused damages (No Net Loss of Biodiversity), others than forerunners? What mechanism would make it mainstream?
What kind of incentives are effective in creating win-win situations for business and biodiversity? What kind of restructuring measures are needed to dismantle unsustainable business models and to fit the business models within one planet boundaries.
Sharing best practices on ESS markets based on other than production services.
Ways to create business models or business that is biodiversity neutral or positive. Ways to support pioneering business.
How to support businesses in using carbon and biodiversity accounting? How interested and ready are businesses in this? Any sectorial differences?
What kind of value chains are there for businesses in climate and biodiversity?
Innovative solutions are needed but research and regulation are needed for transformative change too. Change must be concrete not only reputational.
Net sustainability of all aspects of sustainability is important.
What are the most important weightings of the research on Intellectual Property Rights, corporate social responsibility and interest conflicts?