Dear expert reviewer,
Thank you for your registration and willingness to review one or more chapters of the IPBES thematic assessment of invasive alien species and their control (IPBES assessment of invasive alien species). On this webpage you can find the different chapters of the assessment you have registered for. Kindly provide your review comments in the appropriate Review comments template that you can find here.
Instructions and guidelines for the first order draft review
Review comments should be provided in English and focus on key substantive issues. It is mandatory to use the Review comments templates excel file sheets provided above to submit comments. Please see worksheet 2 for examples of how to input comments. Please do not modify the templates. Review comments will not be accepted unless properly entered in the excel sheet provided. This first order draft review will take place from 31 August until 18 October 2020 (7 weeks). All worksheets must be submitted to the assessment technical support unit ([email protected]) no later than 18 October 2020 23:59 (Tokyo, Japan local time).
Comments should be provided in a constructive fashion, with, if possible, a suggestion for a way forward. If providing suggestions for text revision, please specify full citations for relevant papers. All comments regarding text style, grammar and spelling will be corrected for the final version and do not need comments at this stage. Formatting among chapters and across assessments will also be corrected and harmonised for the final version. Graphics editors will be used for the final tables and figures.
We would like to draw your attention to the important fact that the first order draft is confidential. One of the conditions of being an expert reviewer, to which you agreed upon registration, is that the drafts cannot be cited, quoted or circulated. Please note that this draft is for your use only. If you have colleagues or know of others who would like to review the chapters, please encourage them to register on the website, but do not forward your chapter to them.
It is possible to view a recorded webinar with the three assessment co-chairs, Aibal Pauchard, Helen Roy and Peter Stoett, on the invasive alien species assessment and it's first order draft. The webinar is available for registered reviews at the bottom of the list of chapters and other assessment document below, and has subtitles in the six UN languages (to turn on the subtitles of your choice, click the "settings"-icon in the Youtube media player).
All of the review comments will be published and made available online. All reviewers (Governments or individuals) will be identified and acknowledged with their name, affiliation and country in the final assessment report.
We thank you again for your feedback and participation.
Please note that you need to be logged in and to register here before you can view the draft chapters and webinar below.