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Question 1. What would in your opinion be the main added value of this IPBES assessment on business and biodiversity? How can this report best support efforts to understand and monitor the dependency and impact of business on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people?

Question 2. What do you think about the following draft chapter outline for the assessment? Would you have an alternative outline?

  • Chapter 1: Overview
  • Chapter 2: How do businesses depend on biodiversity?
  • Chapter 3: How do businesses impact biodiversity?
  • Chapter 4: Measuring impact and dependence: Indicators and metrics
  • Chapter 5: Implementation: options for action, opportunities and challenges

 Question 3. Could you please provide a few bullet points for each chapter on what you would consider as key issues for that chapter

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Participants are invited to provide, between 16.00 and noon the next day, short and punchy written contributions to complement the oral exchange. Please focus your contributions on the following questions:

  • What could be the main contributions of a future IPBES assessment on business and biodiversity?
  • How could such an assessment best support the efforts of business regarding biodiversity?
  • The short text below, extracted from the “pre-scoping report” for the future assessment on business and biodiversity, provides some overall guidance on what the assessment could address, concerning themes 1 and 2 of the online conference:
    • Do you see any major gaps in the points (a) to (f) listed below?
    • What do you see as the key priorities among the points below, and main challenges?  


[Extracted from document IPBES/7/6, annex, appendix II]

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The assessment will focus on identifying:

  1. Categories of business dependence on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people, the materiality of that dependence and implications for risk management;
  2. Categories of business impact on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people, both direct (land-use change and other habitat changes, including through fragmentation, water degradation and extraction, overexploitation, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and increased risk of invasive alien species) and indirect (e.g., through trade, indirect land-use change or other substitution effects and other aspects of telecoupling, including those mediated through supply chains), the materiality of the impact and implications for risk management.
11 23 [email protected] 3 years 9 months ago
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The assessment will focus on identifying:

  1. Criteria and indicators for measuring business dependence on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people;
  2. Criteria and indicators for measuring the impact of business activities on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people;
  3. Ways to integrate criteria and indicators for measuring business dependence and impact into other aspects of sustainability;
  4. Approaches to monitoring and reporting by individual entities and reporting initiatives.
10 13 Antoine Cadi 3 years 9 months ago
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Water and linkages related topics

14 23 john205 10 months ago
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Open Ended Stakeholder Network
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During this third week, we invite participants to discuss ways to address these knowledge needs and what enabling conditions are necessary. We would like to invite participants to answer the following questions during week 3: What do you think are necessary enabling conditions/actions to best address these knowledge needs?
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During this first week, we invite participants to reflect on the knowledge gaps identified in the Land degradation & Restoration (LDR) Assessment. These gaps are proposed under a structure that offers the opportunity to compile gaps related to some overarching topics that were identified by the authors throughout the eight chapters of the assessment. We would like to invite participants to answer the following questions during week 1: What is your opinion on the identified knowledge gaps? What is missing for each main theme? What additional information do you have that could help address these gaps? Are there any knowledge sources that were maybe not included?
10 54 AgataKlimkowska 5 years 11 months ago
4 10 patrick.meyfroidt 5 years 11 months ago
9 16 patrick.meyfroidt 5 years 11 months ago
6 18 gobir 5 years 11 months ago
8 14 secretariat 5 years 11 months ago
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During this second week, we invite participants to discuss current priorities in terms of knowledge needed by policy and society to address land degradation & restoration issues. Some keynote contributions will be submitted by policy makers and representative of civil society. We propose to use the same structure of overarching topics to allow for coherency with week 1. We would like to invite participants to answer the following questions during week 2: What do you think are current critical policy and society challenges related to land degradation and restoration? What are the related most Urgent, Relevant and Feasible knowledge needs to address these policy and society challenges?
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