Webinar: Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in the IPBES Assessment of Invasive Alien Species
2pm-4pm Paris / 8pm-10pm Manila / 7am-9am Bogota
Register here: https://unesco-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Kw5U-rXHTRKjCCs4Cq5xzw
This webinar will explore the key messages relating to Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) in the IPBES assessment of invasive alien species and their control (see: https://www.ipbes.net/ias), which was completed in 2023.
The webinar is organized by the Network of the Centers of Distinction on Indigenous and local knowledge, IPBES and UNESCO. It will take place in English, French and Spanish.
In the webinar, assessment authors will present the main findings related to IPLCs from the assessment, and IPLCs will reflect on their perceptions, experiences, adaptations, management and governance related to invasive alien species.
The assessment followed a rigorous approach to working with Indigenous and local knowledge, including dialogue workshops with IPLCs and contributions from authors across a range of disciplines and knowledge systems. This has resulted in an assessment which highlights the important contributions of IPLCs to understanding, monitoring, management and governance of invasive alien species. Key messages from the assessment have now been approved by the 145 member countries of IPBES.