Third author meeting of the assessment of invasive alien species
The thematic assessment of invasive alien species and their control commenced at the seventh session of IPBES Plenary (IPBES-7, May 2019), and will be considered by the 10th session of the Plenary.
The external review of the second order draft of the chapters and the first order draft of the SPM took place from 15 December 2021 to 15 February 2022.
The third author meeting will be held from 4 to 8 April 2022, in a hybrid setting. The meeting is generously hosted by the Aarhus University and organized by the technical support unit of the assessment. The meeting objectives are:
- To introduce the timeline and process towards the finalization of the assessment;
- To discuss, start responding to and start addressing external review comments;
- To ensure coherence of the narrative across chapters; and
- To initiate a discussion on post-Plenary publication strategies.
See the full list of experts here