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Observer organization

Conventions, multilateral organizations, United Nations bodies and specialized agencies and other organizations that have been approved as observers at previous sessions

Who can become an observer?

An interim procedure set out in paragraph 22 of the report of its first session (IPBES/1/12) has been applied to admit observers at previous sessions. Observers admitted to IPBES 1 to IPBES 10 would be among those admitted to IPBES 11 The interim procedure provides that any body or organization qualified in matters covered by the Platform should inform the secretariat of the Platform of its wish to be represented at sessions of the Plenary. This information is provided to the secretariat during the registration process for participation at Plenary sessions.

Why become an observer?

The rules of procedure for sessions of the Plenary of IPBES provide for the participation of observers in sessions of the Plenary. Observers may, upon the invitation of the Chair, participate in the Plenary without the ability to cast votes or join or block consensus.

How to become an observer?

Organizations should notify the secretariat of their wish to be represented at sessions of the Plenary through the registration of IPBES 11. More information with timelines will be shared once registration is open. The Bureau will review the list of those who expressed their wish to be represented at the session of the Plenary as observers, make recommendations on the admission of new observers, and communicate those recommendations to members of the Platform at least eight weeks before the opening of the second session of the Plenary. If there are concerns among some members of the Platform regarding the request by a body or organization for its admission to be observer of the Plenary, the Bureau will inform the body or organization of such concerns. a member of the Platform may reject the admission of a body or an organization to be an observer of the Plenary, and such rejection will stand unless overruled by two-thirds majority of the members of the Platform present and voting.

Accredited Organizations

Organization Sort descending Country Session of admission Organization Type
Earthindicators Portugal IPBES 3 Plenary
Eastern University, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka IPBES 5 Plenary
Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development Germany IPBES 9 Plenary
ECO Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ECO-IEST) IPBES 5 Plenary
EcoHealth Alliance United States of America IPBES 7 Plenary
Ecological Association "Eko Viciana" Albania IPBES 6 Plenary
Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GFÖ - Gesellschaft für Ökologie) IPBES 1 Plenary
Economic Cooperation Organization Science Foundation (ECOSF) Pakistan IPBES 2 Plenary
Ecosulis Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland IPBES 7 Plenary
Ecosystem Services Partnership Netherlands (Kingdom of the) IPBES 7 Plenary
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich Switzerland IPBES 10 Plenary
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) Mexico IPBES 5 Plenary
Engajamundo Brazil IPBES 5 Plenary
Entreprises pour l'Environnement France IPBES 7 Plenary
Environmental Protection Information Centre (EPIC) Uganda IPBES 9 Plenary
Environnement 92 France IPBES 9 Plenary
European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) Italy IPBES 11 Plenary
European Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC) Netherlands (Kingdom of the) IPBES 1 Plenary
European Environment Agency (EEA) Denmark IPBES 2 Plenary
European Forest Institute Finland IPBES 9 Plenary