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Impact Tracking Database: Submission #609

Submission Number: 609
Submission ID: 73850
Submission UUID: f69c6161-7588-4bcc-88cb-9670c45847c6
Submission URI: /impact-tracking

Created: Tue, 05/12/2023
Completed: Tue, 05/12/2023
Changed: Wed, 06/12/2023

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Fernando Neda
Language: English

Is draft: No

In New Paper, Authors Point to IPBES Work as they Call for Integrated Policy Approaches and Solutions to Solve Climate and Biodiversity Crises Together

In a new article published in the German journal Ecological Economy, authors Alexandra Dehnhardt and Josef Settele argue that so far, climate and biodiversity protection have largely been dealt with in separate political domains, and that both crises can only be solved together.

“Climate change and the biodiversity crisis can only be overcome together ,” emphasize Dehnhardt and Settele in their in-depth article. How can the two policy areas work better together? A first step was the joint workshop by the World Biodiversity Council IPBES and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC 2020. Both bodies believe a profound change is necessary - for example through development paths such as degrowth, green economy or nature protection.

The authors quote the IPBES Global Assessment (2019), the IPBES Values Assessment, and the IPBES-IPCC Joint Workshop Report in the publication.
Values assessment, Global assessment (1st work programme), IPBES-IPCC co-sponsored workshop on biodiversity and climate change
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