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Impact Tracking Database: Submission #536

Submission Number: 536
Submission ID: 63153
Submission UUID: f6635c61-d33d-408e-9496-d7513b842fa9
Submission URI: /impact-tracking

Created: Wed, 09/11/2022
Completed: Wed, 09/11/2022
Changed: Mon, 06/02/2023

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Fernando Neda
Language: English

Is draft: No

50 Members of US Congress and 350 State Lawmakers Cite IPBES Findings in Letter to President Biden Advocating for a National Biodiversity Strategy

50 congressmen and congresswomen of the United States House of Representatives and 350 state lawmakers from around the U.S. sent a letter to President Joe Biden encouraging the establishment of a National Biodiversity Strategy "to protect and restore nature and secure [the United States'] rich biodiversity for generations to come". Citing the Summary for Policymakers of the 2019 IPBES Global Assessment Report, the lawmakers wrote: "The global scientific consensus is that as many as one million species are at risk of extinction. Studies have shown that we are losing species and their habitats faster than ever before."

"Only through a strategic and comprehensive approach can the U.S. government help to meet the scope and scale of the biodiversity crisis and help lead the world in protecting and beginning to restore nature over the coming decade," the representatives continued.

Lawmakers urged the President to set a strategy which, as laid out in a bipartisan House Resolution, directs "federal agencies to pursue actions within existing laws and policies and identify where new ones may need to be developed to protect biodiversity," as well as addresses the "five drivers of biodiversity loss, secure and restore critical ecosystem services, promote social equity and environmental justice, and coordinate a strong national response to tackling the biodiversity crisis both at home and abroad."
Global assessment (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (2nd work programme)
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