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Impact Tracking Database: Submission #519

Submission Number: 519
Submission ID: 62545
Submission UUID: 22348669-6388-46df-bea3-81a9d0830d06
Submission URI: /impact-tracking

Created: Mon, 10/10/2022
Completed: Mon, 10/10/2022
Changed: Mon, 10/10/2022

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No

IPBES Framework Applied in Participatory Assessment of Nature, People and Sustainability on Mount Kilimanjaro

A new research study reports on findings from a first attempt at using the IPBES framework as a structured instrument for gathering stakeholder opinions during a participatory evaluation of nature, humans, and sustainability on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. This assessment was organized in the form of a participatory three-day workshop with five different groups of stakeholders – community members, resource users, conservationists, researchers, and ‘other’ (mostly tourism operators). The IPBES framework enabled the effective collection and comparison of nuanced information from a diverse group of participants

Using the IPBES framework, researchers assembled information on the state of and trends in species diversity, Nature's Contributions to People (NCP), and on the main drivers of changes in species and habitats. Additionally, researchers gathered perspectives on the needs and opportunities for the sustainable management and conservation of natural resources from the individual to the international level.

Most respondents noted decreases in the majority of Kilimanjaro's ecosystems and species as well as in nature's capacity to provide services essential to human well-being, like as food, water, and livelihoods. They also anticipated that these decreases would persist. The majority of participants concurred that land-use change was a significant factor behind these decreases. Participants identified greater education and awareness as crucial steps to reversing these trends in order to prevent a deterioration in Nature and its capacity to promote human welfare.
Conceptual framework
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