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Impact Tracking Database: Submission #500

Submission Number: 500
Submission ID: 62417
Submission UUID: 33b46c13-cf50-4c6e-b099-66ca06f3d4f9
Submission URI: /impact-tracking

Created: Wed, 28/09/2022
Completed: Wed, 28/09/2022
Changed: Wed, 28/09/2022

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: rspaull
Language: English

Is draft: No

Research Uses IPBES Nature Futures Framework to Analyse Conservation Decision-Making Under Climate Change

A group of experts convened to discuss using the Nature Futures Framework developed by the IPBES Task Force on Scenarios and Models as a tool to inform management in social-ecological systems facing climate change. The research focused on 3 illustrative case studies from the global South across a range of climate change impacts at different ecological levels.
Workshop on modelling nature future scenarios
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