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Impact Tracking Database: Submission #261

Submission Number: 261
Submission ID: 40413
Submission UUID: f9e1f063-b8ee-4850-b086-44580d80f89a
Submission URI: /impact-tracking

Created: Thu, 11/06/2020
Completed: Thu, 11/06/2020
Changed: Fri, 19/08/2022

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No

Flagged: Yes

UK Politician Cites Global Assessment in Parliamentary Call to Ban Hunting Trophies

The UK politician Zac Goldsmith, who serves as Minister of State for the Pacific, International Environment, Climate and Forests, and Animal Welfare, made a call in parliament to ban the import of hunting trophies. Goldsmith cited the IPBES Global Assessment and its finding that one million species are at risk of extinction.
Global assessment (1st work programme)
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