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Impact Tracking Database: Submission #223

Submission Number: 223
Submission ID: 40038
Submission UUID: 0e47d31e-bb17-43e5-a22a-32defd514fb0
Submission URI: /impact-tracking

Created: Mon, 01/06/2020
Completed: Mon, 01/06/2020
Changed: Fri, 19/08/2022

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No

IPBES cited in article on soil invertebrate diversity loss and functional changes in temperate forest soils

The IPBES Global Assessment is cited in an open access article titled “Soil invertebrate diversity loss and functional changes in temperate forest soils replaced by exotic pine plantations”. The article, which appears in the journal “Nature” examines “how forestry plantations of exotic trees affect critical soil functions and the composition of invertebrate assemblages”.
Global assessment (1st work programme)
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