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Impact Tracking Database: Submission #222

Submission Number: 222
Submission ID: 40037
Submission UUID: a6bda441-9046-4666-93a0-7a3a1073d93d
Submission URI: /impact-tracking

Created: Mon, 01/06/2020
Completed: Mon, 01/06/2020
Changed: Fri, 19/08/2022

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No

Research Paper on Nature’s Contributions to Adaptation Draws on IPBES Conceptual Framework of Nature’s Contributions to People

A research paper published in the journal “Ecosystems and People” draws on the IPBES conceptual framework of nature’s contributions to people. The paper, titled “Nature’s contribution to adaptation: insights from examples of the transformation of social-ecological systems”, concludes that the plurality of human-nature relationships included in the IPBES conceptual framework is “is needed to integrate ecosystem transformation into adaptation thinking and action while engaging a diversity of actors with differing world views.” The authors accordingly frame “the capacity of ecosystems under climate change to enable future human needs under the IPBES framework of nature’s contributions to people” and “introduce the concept of Nature’s Contribution to Adaptation (NCA) as a means to operationalise transformative adaptation, emphasising the need to create options for society to transform under ecosystem transformation.”
Indigenous and local knowledge systems (1st work programme), Knowledge and data (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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