Impact Tracking Page
Welcome to the IPBES Impact Tracking Database (TRACK).
The purpose of TRACK is to record, document and share examples of the use of IPBES outputs, such as the IPBES assessment reports, in decision-making or in science.
TRACK is not designed to be comprehensive, analytically rigorous or serve a wider monitoring function – it makes no claim to be an exhaustive list of IPBES impacts. It is, instead, an indicative list for the primary purpose of IPBES communications, outreach and public relations. Apart from a basic eligibility screening, the IPBES secretariat does not independently verify the examples listed in TRACK, which are primarily gleaned from third party stakeholders, media reports and similar sources.
Should you wish to contribute an example of IPBES impact, please go to the TRACK submission portal:
If you wish to alert the secretariat to any inaccuracy or anything objectionable in TRACK, please do so by emailing this information. Click to email us