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Members of the data and knowledge management task force (IPBES 10 - IPBES 13)

Information on the call for the nomination of experts for the task force on data and knowledge management is available here (EM/2023/37). Please scroll down for the selected list of task force members.

The group of experts for the task force on data and knowledge management selected by the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel of IPBES is comprised of experts and practitioners with outstanding expertise relevant to data and knowledge management. 

They have been selected in their individual expert capacity and not to represent the views of any public or private organization. The Multidisciplinary Expert Panel aimed at a wide geographical representation from the five UN regions and gender balance, within the limits of the pool of nominations received.


Name Role Nominating government/organisation Nationality(ies) Affiliation ORCID Identifier
Brenda Daly Expert South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)
ORCID logo 0000-0002-3732-8339
Adriana De Palma Expert Natural History Museum London Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord (le)
Italie (l')
Natural History Museum ORCID logo 0000-0002-5345-4917
Debora Drucker Expert Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BPBES) Brésil (le)
Embrapa ORCID logo 0000-0003-4177-1322
Golda Edwin Expert Association for Promoting Sustainability in Campuses and Communities
Kwame Hackman Expert Ghana Ghana (le)
WASCAL ORCID logo 0000-0002-2201-9314
Rainer Krug Expert Switzerland Allemagne (l')
University of Zürich ORCID logo 0000-0002-7490-0066
Hanno Seebens Expert Germany Allemagne (l')
Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre
Aysegul Sirakaya Expert Türkiye Turquie (la)
Belgique (la)
Abyss, Natural History Museum ORCID logo 0000-0003-3330-1750
Zheping Xu Expert China Chine (la)
National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences ORCID logo 0000-0001-5858-2347
Mayra Zurbaran Nucci Expert Italy Italie (l')
Colombie (la)
DG Joint Research Centre of the European Commission ORCID logo 0000-0003-1231-3859

Bureau and Multidisciplinary Expert Panel representatives

Name Role Nominating government/organisation Nationality(ies) Affiliation ORCID Identifier
Douglas Beard Bureau task force/expert group member États-Unis d'Amérique (les)
U.S. Geological Survey, National Climate Adaptation Science Center
Milan Mataruga MEP task force/expert group member Bosnie-Herzégovine (la)
Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka
Ricardo Pinto-Coelho MEP task force/expert group member Brésil (le)
Brésil (le)
Chief Executive Officer ORCID logo 0000-0003-4486-1243

Technical Support Unit

Name Role Nominating government/organisation Nationality(ies) Affiliation ORCID Identifier
Aidin Niamir Technical support unit (head) Iran (République islamique d')
Allemagne (l')
Senckenberg Society for Natural Research ORCID logo 0000-0003-4511-3407
Renske Gudde Technical support unit Pays-Bas (les)
Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung ORCID logo 0000-0003-4727-1011
Yanina Sica Technical support unit Argentine (l')
IPBES technical support unit for data ORCID logo 0000-0002-1720-0127