History of the establishment of IPBES Members and observers National Focal Points Organization Focal Points Observer organizations Collaboration and partnerships Stakeholders Bureau Multidisciplinary Expert Panel Conflict of interest committee Secretariat Experts Conceptual framework Contact information Experts This page lists national focal points and experts of past and ongoing task forces and expert groups. You can filter by deliverables, name of experts or by the nominating government. Deliverable Deliverable/CategoryConflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme -2)Second global assessmentSpatial planning assessmentInitial scoping for additional assessments (IPBES 10)Review of IPBES (2nd work programme - 2)Knowledge generation catalysisSecond global assessment scopingNature Futures FrameworkReview of IPBES (2nd work programme)SecretariatMonitoring assessmentBusiness and biodiversity assessmentNexus assessmentTransformative change assessmentBiodiversity and climate changeInvasive alien species assessmentSustainable use assessmentValues assessmentGlobal assessment (1st work programme)Paper on roles of MEP and BureauPaper on the use and impact of the IPBES conceptual frameworkPlenaryPolicy support tools and methodologies (2nd work programme - 2)Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)Policy support tools and methodologies (2nd work programme)Pollination assessmentPreliminary guide on valuesRegional assessmentsReview of IPBES (1st work programme)Scenarios and models assessmentScenarios and models assessment 2Stakeholder engagementSustainable use assessment scopingNexus assessment scopingTransformative change assessment scopingWorkshop on modelling nature future scenariosAfrica assessmentAmericas assessmentAsia-Pacific assessmentBiodiversity and pandemics workshopBuilding capacity (1st work programme)Building capacity (2nd work programme)Building capacity (2nd work programme -2)Bureau 2013-2016Bureau 2016-2019Bureau 2019-2023Bureau 2023-2026Business and biodiversity assessment scopingCatalogue of assessmentsCommunicationsConceptual frameworkConflict of interest committee (1st work programme)Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme)Effectiveness of the assessment processEurope and Central Asia assessmentFurther work on scenarios and models (1st work programme)Further work on scenarios and models (2nd work programme)Further work on scenarios and models (2nd work programme -2)Further work on values (1st work programme)Global assessment scoping (1st work programme)Guide for assessmentsImproving the effectiveness of the assessment processIndigenous and local knowledge systems (1st work programme)Indigenous and local knowledge systems (2nd work programme)Indigenous and local knowledge systems (2nd work programme -2)Interim MEPIPBES-IPCC co-sponsored workshop on biodiversity and climate changeKnowledge and data (1st work programme)Knowledge and data (2nd work programme)Data and knowledge management (2nd work programme)Land degradation and restoration assessmentLand degradation and restoration assessment scopingManual for IPBES national focal pointsMEP 2015-2018MEP 2018-2021MEP 2022-2025MEP and Bureau arrangementsNational Focal PointsNature’s Contributions to People (NCP) Search by government Nominating GovernmentAfghanistan (l')Albanie (l')Algérie (l')Andorre (l')Angola (l')Antigua-et-BarbudaArgentine (l')Arménie (l')Australie (l')Autriche (l')Azerbaïdjan (l')Bahamas (les)BahreïnBangladesh (le)Barbade (la)Bélarus (le)Belgique (la)Belize (le)Bénin (le)Bhoutan (le)Bolivie (État plurinational de)Bosnie-Herzégovine (la)Botswana (le)Brésil (le)Brunéi Darussalam (le)Bulgarie (la)Burkina Faso (le)Burundi (le)Cabo VerdeCambodge (le)Cameroun (le)Canada (le)République centrafricaine (la)Tchad (le)Chili (le)Chine (la)Colombie (la)Comores (les)Congo (le)Îles Cook (les)Costa Rica (le)Côte d'Ivoire (la)Croatie (la)CubaChypreTchéquie (la)République populaire démocratique de Corée (la)République démocratique du Congo (la)Danemark (le)DjiboutiDominique (la)République dominicaine (la)Équateur (l')Égypte (l')El SalvadorGuinée équatoriale (la)Érythrée (l')Estonie (l')Eswatini (l')Éthiopie (l')European UnionFidji (les)Finlande (la)France (la)Gabon (le)Gambie (la)Géorgie (la)Allemagne (l')Ghana (le)Grèce (la)Grenade (la)Guatemala (le)Guinée (la)Guinée-Bissau (la)Guyana (le)HaïtiSaint-Siège (le)Honduras (le)Hongrie (la)Islande (l')Inde (l')Indonésie (l')Iran (République islamique d')Iraq (l')Irlande (l')IsraëlItalie (l')Jamaïque (la)Japon (le)Jordanie (la)Kazakhstan (le)Kenya (le)KiribatiKoweït (le)Kirghizistan (le)République démocratique populaire lao (la)Lettonie (la)Liban (le)Lesotho (le)Libéria (le)Libye (la)Liechtenstein (le)Lituanie (la)Luxembourg (le)MadagascarMalawi (le)Malaisie (la)Maldives (les)Mali (le)MalteÎles Marshall (les)Mauritanie (la)MauriceMexique (le)Micronésie (États fédérés de)MonacoMongolie (la)Monténégro (le)Maroc (le)Mozambique (le)Myanmar (le)Namibie (la)NauruNépal (le)Pays-Bas (les)Nouvelle-Zélande (la)Nicaragua (le)Niger (le)Nigéria (le)NiouéMacédoine du Nord (la)Norvège (la)OmanPakistan (le)Palaos (les)Panama (le)Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée (la)Paraguay (le)Pérou (le)Philippines (les)Pologne (la)Portugal (le)Qatar (le)République de Corée (la)République de Moldova (la)Roumanie (la)Fédération de Russie (la)Rwanda (le)Saint-Kitts-et-NevisSainte-LucieSaint-Vincent-et-les GrenadinesSamoa (le)Saint-MarinSao Tomé-et-PrincipeArabie saoudite (l')Sénégal (le)Serbie (la)Seychelles (les)Sierra Leone (la)SingapourSlovaquie (la)Slovénie (la)Îles Salomon (les)Somalie (la)Afrique du Sud (l')Soudan du Sud (le)Espagne (l')Sri LankaÉtat de Palestine (l')Soudan (le)Suriname (le)Suède (la)Suisse (la)République arabe syrienne (la)Tadjikistan (le)Thaïlande (la)Timor-Leste (le)Togo (le)Tonga (les)Trinité-et-Tobago (la)Tunisie (la)Turquie (la)Turkménistan (le)Tuvalu (les)Ouganda (l')Ukraine (l')Émirats arabes unis (les)Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord (le)République-Unie de Tanzanie (la)États-Unis d'Amérique (les)Uruguay (l')Ouzbékistan (l')VanuatuVenezuela (République bolivarienne du)Viet Nam (le)Yémen (le)Zambie (la)Zimbabwe (le)_nocountry Displaying 1 - 30 of 2822 Mr. Asghar Mohammadi Fazel Knowledge and data (1st work programme) Bureau expert group co-chair Prof. Youngbae Suh Knowledge and data (1st work programme) Bureau expert group co-chair Dr. Douglas Beard Improving the effectiveness of the assessment process Bureau task force/expert group member Prof. Senka Barudanovic Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme) Bureau task force/expert group member Dr. Floyd Homer Improving the effectiveness of the assessment process Bureau task force/expert group member Dr. Douglas Beard Scenarios and models assessment 2 Bureau task force/expert group member Prof. Youngbae Suh Knowledge and data (1st work programme) Bureau task force/expert group member Dr. Douglas Beard Knowledge and data (2nd work programme) Bureau task force/expert group member Prof. Sebsebe Demissew Woodmatas Building capacity (2nd work programme) Bureau task force/expert group member Ms. Ana Maria Hernandez Salgar Paper on the use and impact of the IPBES conceptual framework Bureau task force/expert group member Prof. Sebsebe Demissew Woodmatas Paper on the use and impact of the IPBES conceptual framework Bureau task force/expert group member Dr. Douglas Beard Paper on roles of MEP and Bureau Bureau task force/expert group member Ms. Ana Maria Hernandez Salgar Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme) Bureau task force/expert group member Ms. Julia Marton - Lefevre Paper on roles of MEP and Bureau Bureau task force/expert group member Ms. Ana Maria Hernandez Salgar Indigenous and local knowledge systems (2nd work programme) Bureau task force/expert group member Prof. Hamid Čustović Paper on roles of MEP and Bureau Bureau task force/expert group member Prof. Sebsebe Demissew Woodmatas Bureau 2023-2026 Bureau member Ethiopia Prof. Yongyut Trisurat Bureau 2023-2026 Bureau member Thailand Prof. Eeva Primmer Bureau 2023-2026 Bureau member Finland Mr. Erik Grigoryan Bureau 2023-2026 Bureau member Armenia Dr. Peter Daszak Biodiversity and pandemics workshop Chair United States of America Dr. Carolyn Lundquist Further work on scenarios and models (2nd work programme) Chair Nouvelle-Zélande (la) Dr. Douglas Beard Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member Dr. George Essegbey Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member Ghana Dr. Sujit Bajpayee Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member India Dr. Alla Aleksanyan Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member Armenia Dr. Raúl Gutiérrez Patiño Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member Mexico Prof. Alexandra Aragao Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member Portugal Mr. Rashad Allahverdiyev Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member Mr. Stadler Trengove Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 … Next page Last page Last »
Dr. Douglas Beard Improving the effectiveness of the assessment process Bureau task force/expert group member
Prof. Senka Barudanovic Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme) Bureau task force/expert group member
Dr. Floyd Homer Improving the effectiveness of the assessment process Bureau task force/expert group member
Prof. Sebsebe Demissew Woodmatas Building capacity (2nd work programme) Bureau task force/expert group member
Ms. Ana Maria Hernandez Salgar Paper on the use and impact of the IPBES conceptual framework Bureau task force/expert group member
Prof. Sebsebe Demissew Woodmatas Paper on the use and impact of the IPBES conceptual framework Bureau task force/expert group member
Ms. Ana Maria Hernandez Salgar Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme) Bureau task force/expert group member
Ms. Ana Maria Hernandez Salgar Indigenous and local knowledge systems (2nd work programme) Bureau task force/expert group member
Dr. Carolyn Lundquist Further work on scenarios and models (2nd work programme) Chair Nouvelle-Zélande (la)
Dr. Douglas Beard Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member
Dr. George Essegbey Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member Ghana
Dr. Sujit Bajpayee Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member India
Dr. Alla Aleksanyan Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member Armenia
Dr. Raúl Gutiérrez Patiño Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member Mexico
Prof. Alexandra Aragao Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member Portugal
Mr. Rashad Allahverdiyev Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member
Mr. Stadler Trengove Conflict of Interest Committee (2nd work programme) Conflict of interest committee member