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Data and knowledge management policy

The IPBES data and knowledge management policy is prepared by the task force on knowledge and data, and was approved by the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and Bureau at their 18th meetings in February 2022.

IPBES Plenary in their 9th meeting in July 2022, welcomed the data and knowledge management policy of the Platform. 

The purpose of the policy is to provide overarching guidance on the management of data and knowledge regarding IPBES products. The policy is grounded in the principles of open science, accessibility, and building knowledge through partnerships.

The latest version of the IPBES data and knowledge management policy can be downloaded here:


  • To ensure that IPBES products are openly available and designed so they are accessible by all stakeholders;
  • To provide a framework for all IPBES entities to fulfill their responsibilities with respect to management, handling, preservation and distribution of data and knowledge as well as generated data;
  • To define roles and responsibilities within IPBES to fulfill the implementation of the policy;
  • To provide a suggested workflow for long-term storage and preservation of IPBES products to the experts;
  • To ensure that data and knowledge of any type and from a wide range of disciplines and systems, and knowledge generated in IPBES follows the FAIR guiding principles for scientific data management and stewardship (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) and the CARE principles for Indigenous data governance (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility and Ethics);
  • To promote the use of open-source software and applications to enable users to recreate, replicate and use IPBES products without limitations.
