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Decision IPBES-7/1

Programme de travail glissant de la Plateforme intergouvernementale scientifique et politique sur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques pour la période allant jusqu’en 2030

Decision IPBES-7/2

Examen de la Plateforme intergouvernementale scientifique et politique sur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques à l’issue de son premier programme de travail

Decision IPBES-7/3

Examen de la Plateforme intergouvernementale scientifique et politique sur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques à l’issue de son premier programme de travail

Decision IPBES-7/4

Dispositifs financiers et budgétaires

Decision IPBES-10/1

Implementation of the rolling work programme of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services up to 2030

Decision IPBES-10/2

Organization of the Plenary and dates and venues of future sessions of the Plenary

Decision IPBES-10/3

Financial and budgetary arrangements for the Platform


Chapters of the regional and subregional assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services for the Americas


Chapters of the regional and subregional assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services for Asia and the Pacific


Summary for policymakers of the thematic assessment of the sustainable use of wild species of the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (plain text)

Summary for policymakers - Global Assessment (plain text)

Summary for policymakers of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services

Summary for policymakers (SPM) - Land Degradation and Restoration (Plain Text)

Summary for Policymakers of the Assessment Report on Land Degradation and Restoration (plain text version)

Summary for policymakers - Africa (Plain Text)

Summary for Policymakers of the Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Africa (plain text version)

Summary for policymakers - Americas (Plain Text)

Summary for Policymakers of the Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for the Americas (plain text version)

Summary for policymakers - Asia and the Pacific (Plain Text)

Summary for Policymakers of the Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Asia and the Pacific (plain text version)

Summary for policymakers - Europe and Central Asia (Plain Text)

Summary for Policymakers of the Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Europe and Central Asia (plain text version)

Summary for policymakers - Values (plain text)

Summary for policymakers of the methodological assessment regarding the diverse conceptualization of multiple values of nature and its benefits, including biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services