Media Release: Governments Meet on Science and Evidence to Address Global Biodiversity Crisis
- Representatives of almost 140 Governments meeting in Bonn, Germany
- Considering approval of two major new scientific reports on Sustainable Use of Wild Species & Values and Valuation of Nature
- Considering launch of new assessment on links between business & biodiversity
- For interviews: [email protected] or +1-416-878-8712 or +49-176-212-09437
Bonn, Germany – Representatives of almost 140 Governments will begin a week-long meeting on Sunday in Bonn, Germany to advance the science and evidence necessary to address the global biodiversity crisis.
The ninth session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (#IPBES9) will be the first in-person meeting, since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, of the global body tasked with presenting decision-makers with the best-available science and expertise, to inform policy and action on nature.
The last physical meeting of IPBES, in Paris in 2019, saw the launch of the Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, which alerted the world to the fact that a million species of plants and animals now face extinction – many within decades.
“This meeting of the IPBES Plenary will see Governments consider the approval of two new expert reports that build directly on the results of the Global Assessment,” said Dr. Anne Larigauderie, Executive Secretary of IPBES.
“The IPBES Sustainable Use of Wild Species Report addresses the finding that the exploitation of organisms is one of the most significant direct drivers of biodiversity loss and will offer all decision-makers insights into the importance of wild species and policy options to ensure more sustainable use. The IPBES Report on the Values and Valuation of Nature focuses on the fact that a wide diversity of values is ascribed by different people to nature – but that many of these are neglected in policy decisions. It will provide decision-makers with specific tools to understand and integrate the many values of nature into choices and actions.”
Speaking about the importance of the meeting, German Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection, Steffi Lemke, remarked: “The global biodiversity crisis is growing more urgent with every passing day. Germany welcomes the very important work done by IPBES – especially its focus this week on values and the sustainable use of wild species – as a vitally important contribution to the global, regional and national efforts to protect biodiversity more effectively. Our policies and actions must be based on this kind of science and evidence – especially as we move closer to agreeing on a new global biodiversity framework at the UN Biodiversity Conference in December.
The IPBES secretariat is headquartered on the United Nations campus in Bonn. The Mayor of Bonn, Katja Dörner, highlighted the commitment of the city to IPBES, sustainable development, and to addressing both the climate and biodiversity crises: “As much as the climate emergency matters, we also experience every day how deeply climate, water and the richness of life and habitats are all connected. Organisations like IPBES are helping to provide us all with better understanding towards responsible action – also at the local level.”
The Plenary session is also expected to consider approving the start of a new multi-year IPBES assessment of the links between business and biodiversity.
Although the Plenary session itself is closed to media, the opening ceremony will be webcast live via Zoom webinar from 6 p.m. CEST (5 p.m. UK BST/noon US EDT) on Sunday, 3 July, and is accessible online at: https://bit.ly/IPBES9Opening
The media launch for the new IPBES Sustainable Use of Wild Species Report is set to begin on Friday, 8 July at 1.30 p.m. CEST (7.30 a.m. US EDT / 12.30 p.m. UK BST) and the media launch for the new IPBES Values and Valuation of Nature Report is planned to start on Monday, 11 July at 2 p.m. CEST (8 a.m. US EDT / 1 p.m. UK BST). Both launches will also be webcast live.
Media wishing to receive the embargoed media materials for the two report launches are invited to apply for online accreditation here: https://ipbes.net/ipbes-9/media-accreditation/registration
About IPBES:
IPBES is an independent intergovernmental body comprising 139 member Governments and many non-governmental observer organisations. Established by Governments in 2012, it provides policymakers with objective scientific assessments about the state of knowledge regarding the planet’s biodiversity, ecosystems and the contributions they make to people, as well as the tools and methods to protect and sustainably use these vital natural assets. For more information about IPBES and its assessments visit www.ipbes.net
+1-416-878-8712 or +49-176-212-09437