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Sustainable use of wild species assessment (ARCHIVED)

Thematic assessment of the sustainable use of wild species

At its sixth session (IPBES-6) in Medellin, Colombia in 2018, the IPBES Plenary approved the undertaking of a thematic assessment of the sustainable use of wild species.

The summary for policymakers of the assessment is scheduled to be presented to the Plenary for its approval, and the chapters for its acceptance, at the ninth session of the Plenary (IPBES 9), at a location and date to be determined.

The assessment will consider various approaches to the enhancement of the sustainability of the use of wild species and to strengthen related practices, measures, capacities and tools for their conservation through such use, taking into account the multiple worldviews and knowledge systems that operate within different socio-ecological contexts. The assessment will be solution-oriented, with the overall aim of identifying challenges and opportunities to establish or strengthen measures and conditions that ensure and promote the sustainable use of wild species.

For further information, please consult the full scoping document.

At its ninth session, the Plenary will be invited to approve the summary for policymakers. It will also be invited to accept the chapters of the report and their executive summaries, which will be revised after the ninth session to ensure consistency with the summary for policymakers as approved.

The summary for policymakers of the sustainable use assessment was made available for final Government review until 15 June 2021. For more information go to the following link: