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Bosnia and Herzagovina joined the Coalition of the Willing on Pollinators and integrate pollination issues into national strategies

Building on the discussion at the BES-Net Regional Trialogue on Pollinators, Food Security and Rural Development in Eastern Europe, the host country of Bosnia and Herzegovina signed the Declaration on the Coalition of the Willing on Pollinators on 21 March, joining the group of like-minded countries and formally committing to take national action to protect pollinators and their habitats and to develop, facilitate and implement pollinator strategies in line with the IPBES Pollination Assessment. The effort is ongoing to integrate the elements of pollination services in both the National Climate Change Strategy, National Environment Strategy and Rural Development Strategy.
Pollination assessment
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Europe: Public consultation on an EU initiative for pollinators

Based on scientific evidence, from IPBES, FAO and national initiatives, EU is launching an initiative that aims to tackle the decline of pollinators by increasing the effectiveness of EU policies for pollinators and raising the political profile of the issue. Addressing the decline of pollinators will support EU's efforts in halting the loss of biodiversity and implementing the Sustainable Development Goals.
Pollination assessment
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Dutch sign national bee protection strategy "Bed and Breakfast for Bees"

Informed and inspired by the IPBES Pollination Assessment, the Dutch Government and 43 partners signed a national bee strategy "Bed and Breakfast for Bees"
Pollination assessment
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Bayer takes action to implement IPBES Pollination Assessment policy options

Bayer has taken action in eight separate areas to implement the IPBES Pollination Assessment policy options
Pollination assessment
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Global mountain biodiversity assessment follows IPBES approach and conceptual framework

First-ever comparative global assessment of mountain biodiversity, with data collection specifically following the IPBES conceptual framework.
Knowledge and data (1st work programme)
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French regional government sets up biodiversity assessment inspired by IPBES

The initiative in New Aquitaine aims to evaluate the consequences of the erosion of life on all areas of human society, including health, agriculture, industry
Building capacity (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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Nordic countries carry out 'IPBES-like' biodiversity assessment

Inspired by IPBES and funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, the assessment focused on Nordic coastal areas
Building capacity (1st work programme), Guide for assessments, Indigenous and local knowledge systems (1st work programme)
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West African initiative to facilitate networking and capacity building to support the IPBES work programme

Connecting biodiversity and ecosystem service (BES) experts from West African universities, research institutions, and existing science-policy interfaces. Annually conducted workshops act as exchange platforms and as distribution hubs for IPBES outputs, supplemented by discussion groups to connect experts and policy makers across West Africa and beyond. A Master of Science (MSc) program on BES assessments is also being established in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, addressing participants from all 15 West African ECOWAS countries.
Building capacity (1st work programme)
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RAMSAR Uses IPBES Framework on Values to Create Policy Brief on Integrating Multiple Values of Wetlands into Decision-Making

RAMSAR Uses IPBES Framework on Values to Create Policy Brief on Integrating Multiple Values of Wetlands into Decision-Making
Building capacity (1st work programme), Land degradation and restoration assessment, Values assessment
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Belmont Forum and BiodivERsA offer >Euro 23 million to fund proposals addressing gaps and barriers in biodiversity and ecosystem scenarios identified in IPBES Assessment

The Belmont Forum and BiodivERsA networks have mobilized up to Euro 23.7 million to fund proposals that address gaps and barriers in biodiversity and ecosystem scenarios identified in the IPBES Assessment Report on Scenarios and Modelling for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
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Knowledge and data (1st work programme)
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Colombia’s first National Ecosystem Assessment launched

English (396)
Colombia launched its first national ecosystem assessment virtually on 30 June 2021. It is based on a years-long effort to build Colombia’s capacity to produce a credible, legitimate and relevant assessment report and develop a set of policy support tools to integrate assessment findings into decision-making, with close reference to the IPBES guide on the production of assessments. This initiative was led by the Humboldt Institute in partnership with UNEP-WCMC's National Ecosystem Assessment Initiative and supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection through the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network (BES-Net).
Guide for assessments
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Brazil establishes procedures on pesticide risk to pollinators partly based on the IPBES Pollination Assessment

The Brazilian Government has established a working group in the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources on risk assessment of pesticides to bees in Brazil and issued Normative Instruction No. 02 (NI 02/2017) that establishes procedures to look as pesticide risks to pollinators. According to a representative of the Brazilian Government, the IPBES Pollination Assessment was one of the references used in taking these initiatives - along with, inter alia, lack of a specific legislation for bees, a need to legally detail assessment procedures, occurrences of bee moralities, update to worldwide standards, pressure from society and the government itself.
Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme), Pollination assessment
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IKI funding for IPBES capacity building in West Africa through WABES

Euro 2,49 million grant from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety to initialize a capacity-building framework across West Africa in support of the IPBES work programme. Aims to connect biodiversity experts from West African universities, research institutions and science-policy interfaces.Strengthening the sub-regional expert pool to support and disseminate assessments within the IPBES scope.
Building capacity (1st work programme)
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France: Regional initiative, based on IPBES, launched in New Aquitaine to create a pool of lead scientists to work on biodiversity

New initiative at regional level to regroup lead scientists to tackle Biodiversity related issues and challenges. It could serve as forerunner for a similar initiative at the national level and perhaps the international level.
Building capacity (1st work programme), Knowledge and data (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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Magnolia Gardens in South Carolina brings in bee colonies to boost pollination, citing IPBES Assessment

Magnolia Gardens in South Carolina brings in bee colonies to boost pollination, citing IPBES Assessment
Pollination assessment
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IKI grant to BES-Net and UNEP-WCMC supporting developing countries address science-policy issues through national and regional capacity building

Euro 4.5 million grant from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety to UNDP BES-Net and UNEP-WCMC's Sub-Global Assessment (SGA) Network. Aims: to address pressing development questions; conduct thematic assessments at national and regional levels and apply the findings. The grant responds to calls from developing countries for UNDP to support the work of IPBES on capacity building.
Building capacity (1st work programme), Knowledge and data (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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France: EFESE the French platform for the evaluation of ecosystems and ecosystem services

EFESE is a direct offshoot of the French Government support to the creation of IPBES. Based on IPBES work and its declination at national level, the French platform aims at developing coherent and robust tools to raise awareness of the various values of biodiversity amongst stakeholders and support their decision-making.
Building capacity (1st work programme), Knowledge and data (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme), Scenarios and models assessment, Values assessment
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Открытия бизнеса во Вьетнаме

Byelorussian (418)
Открыть свой бизнес за рубежом без профессиональной помощи и поддержки компетентных специалистов очень сложно, потому как необходимо знать нюансы, особенности ниши, какой пакет документов собирать для оформления компании. Как раз для этих целей и был создан уникальный по своему содержанию портал – «Вьетнамские истории».

Сервис, который спрогнозирует ваш путь к успеху

Контент для него составили эксперты, которые сталкивались с такими же вопросами и успешно их решили. На сайте (<a href=>проститутки остров</a> ) вы найдете ценные советы по организации бизнеса и информацию, которая касается того, с какими подводными камнями вы сможете столкнуться. На страницах опубликована информация, касающаяся экспорта и импорта, того, как быстро и без проблем открыть компанию. В ближайшем будущем планируется открытие онлайн-магазина для посетителей ресурса. Сайт рассматривает такие моменты, как: лучшие сферы, ниши для занятия бизнесом во Вьетнаме, отправка товаров в Россию, ликвидация безграмотности. Объясняются различные термины, посетители получают ответы на такие сложные, но важные вопросы. К важным преимуществам сайта относят:

- он подходит для вдохновения, создания собственного бизнеса;
- содержит массу важной информации, которая охватывает ключевые вопросы о ведении бизнеса;
- возможность получить бесплатный дайджест после прохождения опроса;
- информация базируется на собственном опыте.

Редакция специально для вас подготовила функциональные и нужные сервисы: бизнес-переводчик, запуск производства, бизнес за 21 день, поддержка предпринимателей во Вьетнаме, импорт-экспорт. Компания всегда открыта для новых продуктивных проектов и совместного бизнеса. Посещайте портал почаще, чтобы ознакомиться с новой информацией и получить важные советы.
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Business and biodiversity assessment
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I'm completely blown away by this shocking news.

Afrikaans (402)
Well, well, well, what do we have here? Today's news is incredible. [url=]'Rebel Moon' Sci-Fi feature at[/url] Latest: Over 50 Deaths in 3 Days, Hospitalisation Up in UP's Ballia as Temperature Soars; Top Medical Officer Removed Well, well, well, the news confirms what I've long presumed. It's just as I had thought.
TV/Radio Broadcast
Business and biodiversity assessment
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Pollination: Decision adopted by the conference of the parties to the CBD

Decision adopted by the conference of the parties to the CBD to welcomed the Summary for Policymakers of the thematic assessment on pollinators, pollination
and food production approved by IPBES at its fourth session with a decision to endorse the key messages of the Assessment
Pollination assessment
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Pollination: United Nations Declares 20 May World Bee Day

The IPBES Pollination assessment is providing science based evidence for the declaration of Bee Day which recognizes the importance of protection of bees and other pollinators, which will significantly contribute to solving problems with global food supply and eliminating hunger. The resolution was co-sponsored by 115 UN Member States.
Pollination assessment
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Brazil: Creation of Brazilian Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BPBES)

BPBES seeks to place the issues of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services at the heart of the Brazil's development model. They aim to produce syntheses of the best available knowledge by academic science and traditional knowledge on Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and their relations with human well-being. BPBES is composed of a core team with 30 researchers. In 2016, BPBES produced a document: 'Contributions to the Inter-Sectoral Dialogue: Building the Brazilian Diagnosis on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services'
Americas assessment, Communications, Knowledge and data (1st work programme)
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Pollination: Coalition of the Willing on Pollinators

At the Conference of the Parties on Biodiversity the Declaration on the Coalition of the Willing on Pollinators was signed.
The Coalition of the Willing on Pollinators commit to:
1. Take action to protect pollinators and their habitats by developing and implementing national pollinator strategies;
2. Share experience and lessons learnt in developing and implementing national pollinator strategies, especially knowledge on new approaches, innovations and best practices;
3. Reach out to seek collaboration with a broad spectrum of stakeholders – countries as well as businesses, NGO’s, farmers, local communities;
develop research on pollinator conservation;
4. Mutually support and collaborate with each other – and those parties that are willing to join the coalition.
Print Article
Pollination assessment
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Colombia developing national pollinators strategy

Colombia is developing a national policy on pollinators that draws on the IPBES Thematic Assessment on Pollinators and Pollination. What is unique is the attention on the knowledge of indigenous peoples in a long term pollinator conservation strategy.
Indigenous and local knowledge systems (1st work programme), Pollination assessment
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Bonn Convention and Bern Convention Launch Rome Strategic Plan in Light of Global Assessment Report

The Bonn Convention and the Bern convention have agreed on the elements of a joint strategy to eradicate poaching of birds in the Mediterranean region, to address the illegal killing of 20 million birds in Europe and the Mediterranean every year. The Rome Strategic Plan will define the objectives and actions at the national and international level to eradicate illegal killing, taking and trade of wild birds. This happened in the immediate aftermath of the launch of the IPBES Global Assessment Report - which is cited in the announcement.
Global assessment (1st work programme)
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G7 Environment Ministers Issue Metz Biodiversity Charter, Welcoming the IPBES #GlobalAssessment

After meeting in Metz 5-6 May 2019, the G7 has decided to "(1) Accelerate and intensify our efforts to halt the biodiversity loss, to vlaue, conserve, restore and wisely
use biodiversity, thereby maintaining ecosystem services, sustaining a healthy planet and delivering benefits essential for all people; (2) Encourage the engagement of other actors and stakeholders, including all relevant organizations, Indigenous Peoples and local communities, local and sub-national governments and authorities, academia, women’s and youth groups, the business, financial and economic sectors, and non-governmental organizations, to support and complement our efforts; and (3) Support the development and implementation of a post-2020 global biodiversity framework, which should have a strong level of ambition and practicality, in order to facilitate the transformational changes needed to achieve the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity. It should build on the lessons learned from the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its Aichi Biodiversity Targets, as well as on the best available science and knowledge. It should be aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development."
Global assessment (1st work programme)
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In Light of Global Assessment Findings, New Article in the Journal Plants, People, Planet Calls For Humans to Notice and Appreciate Plants

In an editorial in the Journal Plants, People, Planet, Dawn Sanders highlights the academic perspectives of humanities, social science, plant science, conservation and ecology to address the issue of "plant blindness," the phenomena of humans turning a blind eye toward plants despite relying on them for "food, shelter, fuel, and fibers for clothing, as well as for our gardens, landscape, and artistic inspiration" and the ubiquitous presence of plants in the physical and cultural experiences of people.
Global assessment (1st work programme)
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IPBES Global Assessment Prompts International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) to 'Rethink How We Work Together to Tackle the Biodiversity Crisis'

English (396)
The IPBES Global Assessment Report has influenced the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM)'s biodiversity lead write that "the key findings of the [IPBES] Report that show, in no uncertain terms, biodiversity is declining at rates unprecedented in human history. This rapid reduction of the world’s precious natural diversity is cause for great alarm, but as the report also states, it’s not too late for us to make a difference."

The ICMM has therfore urged business and governments to adopt a collaborative approach to managing biodiversity and building a robust post-2020 Biodiversity Framework.
Global assessment (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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Nigeria developed a two-year strategy for pollinator-friendly land degradation neutrality

English (396)
Following the discussions and agreement at the BES-Net Anglophone Africa Regional Trialogue, policy, science and practice sector representatives in Nigeria convened to refine a two-year strategic action plan for pollinator-friendly land degradation neutrality, as a means to act on the IPBES thematic assessments on pollinators/pollination and land degradation/restoration.
Building capacity (1st work programme), Land degradation and restoration assessment, Pollination assessment
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UK Government Draws on IPBES Findings in Green Finance Strategy

English (396)
In its Green Finance Strategy published in July 2019, the government of the United Kingdom cited the IPBES Global Assessment at length. The Strategy refers to the Global Assessment as a “timely [reminder] of the urgency of action” to combat biodiversity loss. The Strategy seeks to achieve two key objectives: to align private sector financial flows with clean, environmentally sustainable and resilient growth, supported by Government action; and to strengthen the competitiveness of the UK financial sector.
Global assessment (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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