ILK dialogue workshop for the IPBES assessment on sustainable use of wild species
An Indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) dialogue workshop will take place 6-7 May 2019 to facilitate participation of Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC) in the early development of the assessment on the sustainable use of wild species. Participation of IPLC is crucial to the sustainable use assessment, as use of wild species is essential to the cultures and livelihoods of many IPLC. In addition, IPLC often have detailed knowledge of biodiversity, as well as strategies and practices for sustainably managing and using wild species.
The dialogue workshop will be one of a series of approaches to recognize and work with IPLC and Indigenous and local knowledge throughout the assessment process.
Aims of the ILK dialogue workshop
Aims of the ILK dialogue workshop is to provide a space for dialogue between assessment authors and IPLCs, with the goals of:
- Exploring how the sustainable use assessment could be useful to IPLC;
- Developing recommendations from IPLC for specific topics and areas of foci for the assessment;
- Refining a series of key ILK questions, which will help shape a narrative for the assessment and direct the collection, analysis and synthesis of information;
- Beginning to develop case studies of relevance to the assessment;
- Determining key experts who can contribute to the assessment as contributing authors or participants in future dialogue workshops and review processes; and
- Identifying resources and sources of information that can be used to answer the key questions of the sustainable use assessment.
- ILK holders or ILK experts from Indigenous and local communities;
- Selected authors from the ILK liaison group for the sustainable use assessment, representing each of the assessment’s chapters.