First Work Programme
First IPBES work programme (2014-2018)
The work programme of the Platform for the period 2014–2018 was adopted by the Plenary in decision IPBES-2/5.
It was designed to implement the goal, functions and operating principles of the Platform in a coherent and integrated manner. Analytical work initiated under the work programme will be guided by the Platform’s conceptual framework.
Being the first work programme, it was designed to put the Platform on the right path, firmly establishing its working modalities, deliverables, credibility, relevance, legitimacy and reputation, based on a collaborative approach and a high volume of in-kind contributions. It was intended to pave the way for the incremental strengthening of the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services across scales, sectors and knowledge systems.
This work programme comprised a sequenced set of objectives, deliverables, actions and milestones for advancing the four functions of the Platform at relevant scales. It was structured along four cross-cutting objectives. The objectives were to be achieved through a set of measurable and interlinked deliverables that were developed in accordance with the Platform’s operating principles and procedures.
The work programme took into account the information compiled by the secretariat on earlier programme discussions, the relevant requests, inputs and suggestions put forward by governments, stakeholders and multilateral environmental agreements related to biodiversity and ecosystem services according to decision IPBES-1/3, the reports of regional consultations (see information documents of the second session of the Plenary) and review comments received.
Structure and elements
The first work programme comprised a sequenced set of objectives, deliverables, actions and milestones for advancing the four functions of the Platform at relevant scales. It was structured along four cross-cutting objectives. The objectives were to be achieved through a set of measurable and interlinked deliverables that were developed in accordance with the Platform’s operating principles and procedures. A summary of the rationale and utility of the objectives and deliverables and their interlinkages is presented in the figure below.