
25 March 2024
IPBES announces newly appointed members of IPBES task forces & host institutions for technical support units
Leading global experts have been selected as members of the four IPBES task forces on capacity-building, data and knowledge management, Indigenous and local knowledge, and scenarios and models. Members of the task forces will serve in their roles until IPBES 13 in 2026. The task forces implement objectives 2, 3 and 4 of the IPBES rolling work programme up to 2030.
IPBES also announced the four institutions that will host technical support units (TSUs) to support the work of the task forces. These institutions are:
- Norwegian Environment Agency – hosting the TSU on capacity-building;
- Senckenberg Society for Nature Research, Germany – hosting the TSU on data and knowledge management;
- UNESCO – hosting the TSU on Indigenous and local knowledge;
- Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan – hosting the TSU on scenarios and models.
All members of task forces and TSUs are listed on the following webpages:
- Task force on capacity-building:
- Task force on data and knowledge management:
- Task force on Indigenous and local knowledge:
- Task force on scenarios and models: