Collaboration and partnerships
In its decision IPBES-2/8, the Plenary of IPBES approved the collaborative partnership arrangement to establish an institutional link between the Plenary and the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the United Nations Development Programme set out in the annex to that decision.
Further information on collaboration with those organizations is available here.
In its decision IPBES-3/4, the Plenary approved the guidance on the development of partnerships and other collaborative arrangements, set out in annex III to that decision, containing a list of means by which strategic partnerships were expected to support the implementation of the IPBES work programme. In section III of its decision IPBES-4/4, the Plenary, recognizing the importance of stakeholder engagement and strategic partnerships for the success of IPBES in seeking to strengthen the science-policy interface, requested the Executive Secretary to finalize memoranda of cooperation between the secretariats of the individual multilateral environmental agreements related to biodiversity and ecosystem services and the secretariat of IPBES, and to report to the Plenary at its fifth session and regularly thereafter on outreach and collaboration with other relevant international bodies. Information related to engagement regarding multilateral environmental agreements is available here.
In section II of decision IPBES-6/1, the Plenary, welcoming the efforts of partner organizations in support of capacity-building initiatives under the rolling plan, invited other organizations to join those efforts by offering technical and financial contributions that match identified capacity-building needs. In section III of the decision, the Plenary welcomed the efforts of Indigenous peoples and local communities and partner organizations in support of the approach to recognizing and working with Indigenous and local knowledge and invited other Indigenous peoples and local communities and other organizations to join those efforts.
Preliminary information on organizations and institutions supporting the work of IPBES during its first work programme is available here.