Additional call for suggestions for thematic or methodological issues related to biodiversity and climate change which would benefit from collaboration between IPCC and IPBES
Please use the form below to submit additional suggestions for thematic or methodological issues related to biodiversity and climate change which would benefit from collaboration between the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
The form is only visible to national focal points after successful login.
Please submit your suggestions to the secretariat by 1 March 2024.
The Executive Secretary will prepare a compilation of those suggestions and previously received suggestions contained in documents IPBES/9/INF/26 and IPBES/10/INF/20, as well as the options outlined in section II of document IPBES/8/6. The compilation will be made available for peer review. Based on the submissions, a proposal will be prepared and made available for consideration and further action by the Plenary at IPBES 11.