Scope of assessment, teleconnections and forward looking information
These comments are general for the nexus assessment:
Scope: the value of the nexus approach is to see the elements together so it was a bit surprising to see that the scoping exercise separate them out with the three interlinkages. In this regard, it is not clear why some relevant nexus elements are left out, especially energy. The scoping document should clarify the broader picture of the nexus and introduce the rationale why focus is solely on some selected elements if that is the case.
The interlinkages should also explicitly address teleconnections. For example for the food system linkages, focus is mostly on food production, but the impact of food consumption patterns is equally important, especially in relation to teleconnections across regions between food consumption patterns in some regions associated with environmental degradation in other regions.
The forward-looking dimension seems not be covered enough: it comes into play only at the climate change / biodiversity interface (pints i), j), k)), while the others seem quite underplayed. It should be more prominent throughout the points from a) to h) – for instance – how about these interlinkages food-health-biodiversity looked into the context of a growing global population and increasing middle-class with changing consumption patterns?