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Directly Citing IPBES Report, G7 Workshop Agrees on Importance of Measures to Control & Prevent Spread of Invasive Alien Species

At a G7 workshop held in Japan from 20 to 22 November 2023, government officials discussed the need to control Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and agreed to strengthen international cooperation on this issue, based primarily on the IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment Report.

Informed by an international webinar held in April 2023, as well as consultations with other governments, relevant international organizations and stakeholders held on the sidelines of the 25th meeting of the CBD’s Subsidiary Body for Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA), officials agreed to incorporate national invasive species strategies and action plans (NISSAPs) and/or IAS components of the national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs) in their respective countries.

The G7 officials acknowledged the value of the findings of the IPBES IAS Assessment Report and other relevant outputs of IPBES to encourage IAS-related discussions, recognizing that options exist to prevent the transport, introduction, establishment and spread of IAS, as well as to minimize their negative impacts, as reflected in the IPBES IAS report.

In their statement, the officials agreed to:

- Promote global, regional, and bilateral collaborations to (1) facilitate exchange of information including data, knowledge and experiences; (2) promote policy dialogue among countries on addressing IAS, including by stressing the importance of integrating biosecurity measures at international, national, and sub-national levels; and (3) develop/promote regional scale actions especially in relation to prevention, biosecurity measures and pathways.

- Strengthen scientific research, global databases and information systems, including enhancing decision support tools for identification and prioritization of IAS, pathways of introduction, and sites through horizon scanning, assessment of the magnitude of impacts, risk analysis, and other methods, as well as building evidence and increasing understanding of IAS, their impacts and management options.

- Promote outreach and mainstreaming through a whole-of-government and whole-of- society approach by generating awareness and education, working with Indigenous Peoples and local communities, and engaging the private sector, among other notable initiatives.

- Among several capacity building actions, the officials committed to using the IPBES IAS Assessment Report and available tools and guidance of the CBD and other organizations to help support their efforts.

The group intends to hold annual in-person or online meetings of relevant experts/officials to follow-up on the processes, as well as share information, experience and progress on their work at least every two years, with particular emphasis on progress towards achieving Target 6 of the GBF by 2030.

Recordings of the various sessions and consultations are available here:
Invasive alien species assessment
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