ILK dialogue workshop for the assessment on values
The dialogue workshop aims to facilitate the participation of indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC) in the early development of the IPBES methodological assessment on diverse conceptualization of multiple values of nature (the "values assessment”), and to facilitate the explicit and coherent cross-cutting incorporation of ILK views and IPLC needs into the assessment. The participation of IPLC is essential to the process of developing the values assessment, as the diversity of indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) systems hold a wide array of values about nature, which provide important avenues for exploring how humans relate to biodiversity and the enviroment.
The dialogue workshop will be one of a series of IPLC participation activities that run through the assessment process. IPBES has adopted an “approach to working and recognizing approach to recognizing and working with Indigenous and local knowledge” which informs how IPBES assessments will work with ILK. IPBES has also developed a series of activities and processes that together make up a participatory mechanism for IPLC.
Aims of the dialogue workshop
The aims of the workshop will be defined collaboratively by the participants. Aims of the dialogue workshop may include:
- Exploring how the values assessment could be utilized by IPLC, and what IPLC would like to see reflected in the values assessment.
- Contributing to the strengthening the conceptual frameworks found in the different chapters of the values assessment to make sure ILK and IPLC perspective are clearly embedded within them.
- Exploring ways that the diversity of ILK-based human-nature relationships can be expressed into values as perceived and articulated by IPLC in the values assessment.
- Refining a series of key ILK questions for each chapter of the values assessment, which will aim to frame and direct the collection, analysis and synthesis of information for each chapter, as well as a coherent narrative across the entire assessment.
- Contributing to the literature review strategies of the different chapters to ensure coverage of ILK and IPLC relevant literature and other broad information sources.
- Identifying key experts who can contribute to the values assessment, both as contributing authors to the assessment or as future participants of dialogue workshops and review processes.
- Share information for interaction with ILK experts and knowledge holders about the values assessment across IPLC networks and initiatives around the world.
- ILK holders or ILK experts from Indigenous and local communities, with a gender and regional balance.
- At least one coordinating lead author (CLA) or one lead author (LA) per chapter from the ILK liaison group for the values assessment, representing each of the assessment’s chapters.