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Second meeting to advance the summary for policymakers of the invasive alien species assessment

Event type: Assessment
Friday, 25 June, 2021 - Wednesday, 30 June, 2021


The thematic assessment of invasive alien species and their control commenced at the seventh session of IPBES Plenary (IPBES-7, May 2019), and will be considered by the 10th session of the Plenary.

At their first meeting to advance the summary for policymakers (22, 25 February and 3 March 2021), the co-chairs and coordinating lead authors have produced an annotated outline of the summary for policymakers (SPM).

The second meeting to advance the summary for policymakers will be held online over four days: 25, 28, 29 and 30 June 2021. The main objectives of this meeting will be to refine the narrative and produce a complete form of the background part of the SPM, as well as to initiate the development of the key messages part.

The meeting will be participated by the co-chairs, coordinating lead authors and review editors from Chapter 1, and supported by the technical support unit of the assessment.

See the full list of experts here.