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Date Event type Deliverable Venue
Call for nominations of participants in the workshop to reflect on scenarios and models to better account for different knowledge systems, including Indigenous and local knowledge systems, and Mother Earth-centric scenarios and models - Task force Further work on scenarios and models (2nd work programme -2), Indigenous and local knowledge systems (2nd work programme -2)
Call for nominations of experts for the IPBES second global assessment - Assessment Second global assessment
Call for nominations of fellows for the IPBES second global assessment - Assessment Second global assessment
Call for contributions to support uptake and use of the IPBES Nexus and Transformative Change Assessments - Assessment, Task force Building capacity (2nd work programme -2), Nexus assessment, Transformative change assessment
Annual meeting of the task force on capacity-building Task force Building capacity (2nd work programme) online
Annual meeting of the task force on scenarios and models TBC Task force Further work on scenarios and models (2nd work programme -2) online
Meeting of the external review panel - Other Review of IPBES (2nd work programme - 2) Bonn, Germany
Dialogue meeting with national focal points and stakeholders in the context of the call for nominations of fellows and experts for the second global assessment Task force Building capacity (2nd work programme -2), Second global assessment online
(TBC) Workshop on enhancing methods for working with Indigenous and local knowledge in IPBES TBC Task force Indigenous and local knowledge systems (2nd work programme -2) in-person, venue to be confirmed
Introductory meeting for coordinating lead authors of the spatial planning and connectivity assessment TBC Assessment Spatial planning assessment online
23rd Meetings of the IPBES MEP and Bureau - Bureau and MEP Bureau 2023-2026, MEP 2022-2025 online
First meeting to develop the summary for policymakers of the monitoring assessment - Assessment Monitoring assessment Hong Kong, China
Dialogue meeting with national focal points in the context of the additional Government review of the summary for policymakers of the business and biodiversity assessment TBC Task force Building capacity (2nd work programme -2), Business and biodiversity assessment online
Additional Government review of the summary for policymakers of the business and biodiversity assessment TBC Assessment Business and biodiversity assessment online
(TBC) Webinar on knowledge generation catalysis: knowledge gaps identified in the nexus and transformative change assessments and needs of future assessments TBC Task force Knowledge and data (2nd work programme), Knowledge generation catalysis online
Workshop on scenarios and models in the context of Indigenous and local knowledge systems, and Mother Earth -centric scenarios and models as included in the Nature Futures Framework TBC Task force Further work on scenarios and models (2nd work programme -2) in-person, venue to be confirmed
Webinar for newly designated IPBES national focal points Task force Building capacity (2nd work programme) online
(TBC) Online dialogue on the relevance of the nexus and transformative change assessment reports for Indigenous Peoples and local communities, with a focus on Indigenous and local knowledge, including to share experiences in the context of policymaking TBC Task force Indigenous and local knowledge systems (2nd work programme -2), Policy support tools and methodologies (2nd work programme - 2) online
(TBC) Meeting to support the IPBES fellows and alumni network TBC Task force Building capacity (2nd work programme -2) online
Introductory meeting for coordinating lead authors of the second global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services TBC Assessment Second global assessment online