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World Future Society responds to Global Assessment with commitments to take action in pursuit of a sustainable future

Following the launch of the IPBES Global Assessment, the World Future Society released an official response, in which they stated that it “serves as a clear call to action for our species to wake up to the reality of our planetary emergency.” Subsequently, they resolved as an organization to “enact significant, systemic, transformative change and plan for multiple futures in order to prevent catastrophic collapse of our life-supporting global biosphere.” In so doing, they resolved to take a leading role to connect discordant efforts around the globe and create a global collaborative network in pursuit of a sustainable future.
Global assessment (1st work programme)
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IPBES Global Assessment Inspires Canadian Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna to Call for a “Paris Agreement moment for nature”

Canadian Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna has called for a “Paris Agreement moment for nature” during a G7 environmental ministers meeting in Metz, France. McKenna said that the IPBES Global Assessment presented a "massive challenge" for nations to tackle leading drivers of biodiversity loss such as pollution, climate change. The Minister compared the Global Assessment to the October, 2018 IPCC report on 1.5°C, “This was like the IPCC report on climate change. We now understand the magnitude of the challenge. We need a Paris Agreement moment for nature, and I’m hoping we’re leading to that in 2020.”
Global assessment (1st work programme)
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On Strength of Global Assessment, IPBES included in 2019 IUCN Regional Conservation Forums

Based on the success of the IPBES Global Assessment, the Platform was included, for the first time ever, in 10 different IUCN Regional Conservation Forums, augemented by invitations to IUCN participants for greater enagement with IPBES, as well as greater use of IPBES products in IUCN activities. In total, this outreach engaged about 2500 scientists, practitioners, officials and NGOs. These events also included the participation of Global Assessment authors (co-chairs, CLAs, etc.).
Communications, Global assessment (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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IPBES Conceptual Framework Used to Analyze Biocultural Approaches to Pollinator Conservation by Indigenous People and Local Communities

IPBES Conceptual Framework Used to Analyze Biocultural Approaches to Pollinator Conservation by Indigenous People and Local Communities
Building capacity (1st work programme), Indigenous and local knowledge systems (1st work programme), Knowledge and data (1st work programme), Sustainable use assessment, Values assessment
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IPBES Conceptual Framework used in medical publication to illustrate interactions between human, animals and environment in emerging infectious diseases and biological invasions

In a medical publication about emerging infectious diseases and biological invasions, the IPBES Conceptual Framework is used to illustrate interactions between human, animal and environment components. Incorporating elements from the UN's One Health concept, the framework demonstrates how nature's services but also disservices such as emerging infectious diseases and biological invasions have an impact on human well-being.
Knowledge and data (1st work programme)
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The World Banks cited the IPBES Africa Regional Assessment in an article that outlines the challenges related to biodiversity loss and efforts to address them in Africa

Ahead of the One Planet Summit on 14 March 2019, the World Bank published an article that outlines their efforts to reverse the negative trend of biodiversity loss in Africa, as shown by the IPBES Africa Regional Assessment. This article references the IPBES assessment at length as evidence of the issue, then outlines efforts by the World Bank Group to address the challenges at hand, namely by working with several countries in Africa to incorporate the physical and monetary values of natural capital in decision-making processes.
Africa assessment, Regional assessments
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Dialogue inspired by IPBES Pollination Assessment across indigenous, local and scientific knowledge systems

A new dialogue process bringing together 40 experts on pollination from a diversity of indigenous, local and scientific knowledge systems from all over the world - inspired by the IPBES Pollination Assessment. Hosted by the Hin Lad Nai Community, Chiang Rai, Thailand. Supported by SwedBio, Stockholm Resilience Centre, PASD, IMPECT and UNESCO.
Building capacity (1st work programme), Indigenous and local knowledge systems (1st work programme), Knowledge and data (1st work programme), Pollination assessment
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Swedish research cites IPBES work on values for investigation into climate change vulnerability

Citing the IPBES interim guide on values of biodiversity, and the IPBES recommendation to separate instrumental values from end values, Swedish researchers at Lund University have tested the possibility that culture, identity, community cohesion and sense of place might be the values most vulnerable to climate change.
Print Article
Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme), Values assessment
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UN Environment Foresight brief on insect services, threats and solutions features IPBES Pollination Assessment data

UN Environment has published a new edition of their Foresight brief, exploring insect services, threats and solutions to sustain insect populations. The IPBES Assessment Report on Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production is featured - specifically the data on the value of pollination services.
Print Article
Pollination assessment
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Researchers Develop Criteria to Improve Biodiversity and Species Distribution Modelling to Meet Needs of IPBES and others

A large team of researchers analyzed a sample size of 400 Species Distribution Models (SDMs) used from 1995-2015 in order to develop a framework for evaluating such modelling. The researchers note that “the aims of establishing best-practice standards for models in biodiversity assessments are to provide a hierarchy of reliability, ensure transparency and consistency in the translation of scientific results into policy, and encourage improvements in the underlying science.” They specify that the purpose of their project is to help meet the needs of IPBES and others.
Knowledge and data (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme), Scenarios and models assessment
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European Commission funding for research and innovation action on interrelations between climate change, biodiversity and ecosystem services

European Commission funding opportunity (part of Horizon 2020) for research and innovation action on interrelations between climate change, biodiversity and ecosystem services aiming to, among others, protect, restore and enhance natural capital in line with the work of IPBES, the CBD and the IPCC. Also to inform major scientific assessments such as those of IPBES. Suggested proposal funding Euro 5-7 million.
Knowledge and data (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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EU calls for stronger global action on biodiversity citing IPBES assessment

Speaking at COP14 of the CBD, EU Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affaris and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, called for stronger global responses to biodiversity concerns - citing the IPBES Regional Assessment Report for Europe and Central Asia.
A new call to action
Europe and Central Asia assessment
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Brazil publishes first national biodiversity and ecosystem services assessment based on IPBES methodology

BPBES, the Brazilian national biodiversity platform, has conducted and now published the first-ever national assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services - following the IPBES assessment methodology.
Building capacity (1st work programme), Guide for assessments, Knowledge and data (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme), Regional assessments, Scenarios and models assessment
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Coalition of the Willing on Pollinators grows again - EU and 3 new countries join at CBD COP14

Following 22 other Parties, Belarus, Estonia and Norway, together with the European Union, have all signed up as members of the Coalition of the Willing on Pollination - inspired by the IPBES Assessment Report on Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production
Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme), Pollination assessment
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Ministers adopt common continental position on biodiversity protection and land degradation at African Summit - informed by IPBES Assessments

African Ministers, meeting for the African Biodiversity Summit, ahead of CBD COP14, have adopted a joint declaration, citing the IPBES Regional Assessment for Africa and the IPBES Land Degradation and Restoration Assessment.
Africa assessment, Land degradation and restoration assessment
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Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (BIP) Launches Data Visualization Platform to promote and coordinate development and delivery of biodiversity indicators for use by IPBES and others

Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (BIP) Launches Data Visualization Platform to promote and coordinate development and delivery of biodiversity indicators for use by IPBES and others
Building capacity (1st work programme), Knowledge and data (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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CBD Parties urge the use of all products of IPBES in preparation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework

CBD COP 14 Decision 14/1: Updated assessment of progress towards selected Aichi Biodiversity Targets and options to accelerate progress, in which the Conference of the Parties welcomed with appreciation the IPBES Regional Assessments of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, and Europe and Central Asia, and the thematic Assessment of Land Degradation and Restoration; encouraged parties to the convention and other Governments to make use of these assessments, with a view to informing actions at the national level; urged parties and invited other governments and relevant organizations to strengthen the capacities of national focal points for the convention and decision makers to make effective use of the findings of the assessments; and requested the Executive Secretary of the convention to use and analyse the outcomes of all products of IPBES, in the preparation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework under the Convention
Land degradation and restoration assessment, Regional assessments
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CBD Parties note the relevance of IPBES Assessment of Scenarios and Models to discussions on the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity and the development of post-2020 biodiversity framework

CBD COP 14 Decision 14/2: Scenarios for the 2050 vision for biodiversity, in which the Conference of the Parties noted the relevance of the IPBES Assessment of Scenarios and Models to the discussions on the long-term strategic directions to the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity, approaches to living in harmony with nature and the process of developing a post-2020 global biodiversity framework and invited the scientific and other relevant communities working on scenarios and related assessments to take into account the following issues which are relevant to the development of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework
Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme), Scenarios and models assessment
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Parties request the CBD Exec. Sec. informed by IPBES to consider linkages and interdependencies between biodiversity and climate change in preparing post-2020 global biodiversity framework

(c) Decision 14/5: Biodiversity and climate change, in which the Conference of the Parties adopted voluntary guidelines for the design and effective implementation of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction; welcomed the IPBES assessment on land degradation and restoration and the regional assessments on biodiversity and ecosystem services; endorsed their key messages that support achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through the use of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation, disaster risk reduction, and combating land degradation, clearly showing how the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Paris Agreement depend on the environment in all its diversity and complexity; and requested the Executive Secretary of the convention to consider the linkages and interdependencies between biodiversity and climate change in the preparation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, informed by the reports and assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and IPBES without prejudice to the process for developing the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, and respecting the mandates of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change;
Africa assessment, Americas assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment, Europe and Central Asia assessment, Global assessment (1st work programme), Land degradation and restoration assessment, Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme), Pollination assessment, Regional assessments, Scenarios and models assessment
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CBD Plan of Action 2018-2030 for the International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable use of Pollinators references the IPBES Assessment of Pollination, Pollinators and Food Production

(d) Decision 14/6: Conservation and sustainable use of pollinators, in which the Conference of the Parties adopted the Plan of Action 2018-2030 for the International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable use of Pollinators, which references the IPBES Assessment of Pollination, Pollinators and Food Production
Pollination assessment
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COP Parties request the CBD Exec. Sec. to communicate with IPBES Exec. Sec. to facilitate dissemination of the outcomes of the assessment of the sustainable use of wild species

(e) Decision 14/7: Sustainable wildlife management, in which the Conference of the Parties welcomed voluntary guidance for a sustainable wild meat sector and requested the Executive Secretary of the convention to communicate with the Executive Secretary of IPBES with a view to facilitating the wide dissemination of the outcomes of the assessment of the sustainable use of wild species in order to help strengthen capacities and tools
Building capacity (1st work programme), Communications, Sustainable use assessment
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CBD Parties invited IPBES to contribute to the development of the draft long-term strategic framework for capacity-building beyond 2020; IPBES regional assessments mentioned as sources to draw upon

CBD COP 14 Decision 14/24: Capacity-building and technical and scientific cooperation, in which the Conference of the Parties requested the Executive Secretary of the Convention to commission a study to provide an information base for the preparation of the long-term strategic framework for capacity-building beyond 2020. IPBES was invited to contribute to the development of the draft long-term strategic framework; the IPBES regional assessments were mentioned as one of the sources on which the development of the strategic framework will draw upon
Africa assessment, Americas assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment, Building capacity (1st work programme), Europe and Central Asia assessment, Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme), Regional assessments
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CBD Parties request the CBD Exec. Sec. to develop communication and public awareness campaigns on the current state of biodiversity, in collaboration with IPBES and others

CBD COP 14 Decision 14/26: Communication, in which the Conference of the Parties requested the Executive Secretary, subject to the availability of funding, to develop, in collaboration with IPBES, relevant multilateral environmental agreements, and other relevant organizations, such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and in consultation with the Informal Advisory Committee on Communication, Education and Public Awareness, themes and background material around which Parties, other Governments, relevant organizations, and indigenous peoples and local communities, can organize communication and public awareness campaigns in the coming biennium on the current state of biodiversity and the discussions towards the preparation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework;
Communications, Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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CBD Parties list IPBES assessments as key sources to be used in developing documentation related to the preparatory process for the development of post 2020 global biodiversity framework

CBD COP 14 Decision 14/34: Preparatory process for the development of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, in which the Conference of the Parties to the convention established an open-ended intersessional working group to support the preparation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its 15th session in 2020. The IPBES global assessment and regional assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services and completed thematic assessments and other IPBES products were listed as key sources of information that would be used in developing documentation related to the post-2020 process;
Africa assessment, Americas assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment, Europe and Central Asia assessment, Global assessment (1st work programme), Knowledge and data (1st work programme), Land degradation and restoration assessment, Pollination assessment, Regional assessments, Scenarios and models assessment
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CBD Parties recognize IPBES Assessment Reports as an important evidence base for the Aichi Biodiversity Targets progress assessment and request further collaboration for GBO5

CBD COP 14 Decision 14/35: Global Biodiversity Outlook, in which the Conference of the Parties took note of the plan and cost estimates for the preparation of the fifth edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook, highlighted the fact that the global and regional assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services and the thematic assessments carried out by the IPBES, as well as other relevant national and subregional assessments, formed an important evidence base for the assessment of progress towards the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets in the fifth edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook and requested the Executive Secretary of the convention to continue collaborating with other biodiversity-related conventions and other relevant processes and organizations in the preparation and review of the fifth edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook, as appropriate and in accordance with their respective mandates, including IPBES
Africa assessment, Americas assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment, Communications, Europe and Central Asia assessment, Global assessment (1st work programme), Knowledge and data (1st work programme), Land degradation and restoration assessment, Pollination assessment, Regional assessments, Scenarios and models assessment
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CBD Parties welcome the Second Work Programme of IPBES, note its relevance for major climate and biodiversity related agreements request for additional inputs from post-2020 biodiversity framework

CBD COP14 Decision 14/36, Second work programme of IPBES, in which the Conference of the Parties welcomed with appreciation the progress in implementing the first work programme of IPBES, welcomed the undertaking of the assessments of the sustainable use of wild species, invasive alien species and the assessment on values; agreed that the next work programme of IPBES should be relevant to the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, and would contribute to supporting its implementation and assessing progress; recognized that the rolling nature of the work plan should allow for ongoing exchange of information and further requests from the Convention in the light of the needs arising from the final form and implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework; noted that the next work programme of IPBES was also expected to be relevant to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and other biodiversity-relevant processes; welcomed the efforts of IPBES to further enhance its cooperation with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; invited IPBES to continue to collaborate with relevant international organizations, including those engaged in activities relevant to the mainstreaming of biodiversity in production sectors; decided on a list of requests to IPBES (see document IPBES/7/6/Add.1); invited IPBES to allow for additional inputs to its work programme towards 2030 in the light of the development of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework; requested the Executive Secretary of the convention to prepare for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth meeting, proposals for a further request to be considered for inclusion in the work programme towards 2030 of IPBES with a view to supporting the implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework; and also requested the Executive Secretary of the convention to develop modalities for the systematic consideration of all deliverables of IPBES, taking into consideration the findings of the review of IPBES, with a view to optimizing their use in support of the implementation of the convention.
Africa assessment, Americas assessment, Asia-Pacific assessment, Europe and Central Asia assessment, Global assessment (1st work programme), Invasive alien species assessment, Land degradation and restoration assessment, Pollination assessment, Regional assessments, Scenarios and models assessment, Sustainable use assessment, Values assessment
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CBD Parties welcome the undertaking of the assessment of invasive alien species and decide on establishment of an expert group to address matters not covered by IPBES assessment

CBD COP 14 Decision 14/11: Invasive alien species, in which the Conference of the Parties welcomed the undertaking of the assessment of invasive alien species; and supplementary voluntary guidance for avoiding unintentional introductions of invasive alien species associated with trade in live organisms; and decided, subject to the availability of resources, to establish an Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group to ensure timely provision of advice on achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 9. The group would address matters that are not covered by the IPBES assessment;
Invasive alien species assessment
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Colombia begins national biodiversity assessment based on IPBES methodology

Colombia has held the first author meeting for its national assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services, based on the IPBES assessment methodology
Guide for assessments, Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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IPBES Assessments and conceptual framework cited in and used by WWF for the Living Planet Report 2018

IPBES Assessments and conceptual framework cited in and used by WWF for the Living Planet Report 2018
Knowledge and data (1st work programme), Land degradation and restoration assessment, Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme), Regional assessments
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Caribbean Action Plan published articulating how to implement IPBES Pollinator Assessment at regional and national levels

Following the BES-Net Caribbean Regional Trialogue organized on 4-6 September 2018, the Action Document was published, outlining the concrete policy/scientific/programmatic commitments to be delivered by the Trialogue participants and partners within the Caribbean on pollinators, food security and climate resilience.
Building capacity (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme), Pollination assessment
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