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IPBES Global Assessment Spurs Developer SmithsonHill to Include Biodiversity Enhancement Project Alongside Planned Office Park Construction

In their announcement of biodiversity-positive projects integrated into the development project, Smithson Hill has set the IPBES Global Assessment and Former IPBES Chair Sir Robert Watson front and center and championed "revolutionary practices to improve biodiversity in our cities, towns and farms" "in order to address the issues underlying these findings." Commercial developer Smithson Hill plans for their agri-tech development 'ARC Cambridge' to include sustainable water management and as extensive regeneration of the hedges and woodlands on the site in order to increase biodiversity and improve the environment for employees on the site. The creation of parkland is intended to contribute to the community-based space and enhance natural habitats, and therefore achieve the goal of contributing to tackle the biodiversity emergency.
Global assessment (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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IPBES Global Assessment Spurs Developer SmithsonHill to Include Biodiversity Enhancement Project Alongside Planned Office Park Construction

In their announcement of biodiversity-positive projects integrated into the development project, Smithson Hill has set the IPBES Global Assessment and Former IPBES Chair Sir Robert Watson front and center and championed "revolutionary practices to improve biodiversity in our cities, towns and farms" "in order to address the issues underlying these findings." Commercial developer Smithson Hill plans for their agri-tech development 'ARC Cambridge' to include sustainable water management and as extensive regeneration of the hedges and woodlands on the site in order to increase biodiversity and improve the environment for employees on the site. The creation of parkland is intended to contribute to the community-based space and enhance natural habitats, and therefore achieve the goal of contributing to tackle the biodiversity emergency.
Global assessment (1st work programme), Policy support tools and methodologies (1st work programme)
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