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Availability of Chair’s informal notes for IPBES 9

  • Plenary
Notification period
Download EM/2022/23

Dear IPBES National Focal Points and other participants registered for the ninth session of the IPBES Plenary,

I would like to inform you that the Chair of IPBES decided to make available four informal Chair’s notes with the intention to further support the consideration by the Plenary of:

  • The summary for policymakers of the assessment of the sustainable use of wild species (under item 7 (a) of the provisional agenda);
  • The summary for policymakers of the assessment on values (under item 7 (b) of the provisional agenda);
  • The scoping report of the business and biodiversity assessment (under item 7 (c) of the provisional agenda);
  • The workplans for IPBES task forces and work programme deliverables for objectives 2-4 (under item 8 of the provisional agenda).

The informal notes are available on the IPBES 9 documents webpage under the “other” tab, at: You need to be logged in and duly registered for IPBES 9 to access the documents.

The informal notes include, highlighted in tracked changes, suggested revisions to documents IPBES/9/6, IPBES/9/7, IPBES/9/8 and IPBES/9/10, based on comments which were received as part of the final Government review, which concluded on 15 June 2022.

The notes are informal in nature and are issued under the sole responsibility of the Chair.  

We look forward to seeing you at #IPBES9!  

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Anne Larigauderie | Executive Secretary