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Final laid-out version of the IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment Report Now Available

  • Invasive alien species assessment
Notification period
Download EM/2024/09
Access the full report in English here


Dear IPBES members, observers and other interested stakeholders,

You will recall that in its decision IPBES-10/1, the Plenary approved the Summary for Policymakers of the Thematic Assessment of Invasive Alien Species and their Control.

The laid-out version of the full Assessment Report in English has now been finalized and I am pleased to inform you that you can access it at the following link:

Additionally, seven factsheets containing highlights on selected themes from the Report are now available via the same link above.
Please contact the IPBES secretariat at [email protected] if you have any trouble accessing the Report.

I thank you for your continued support of the work of IPBES.
Yours sincerely,

Dr Anne Larigauderie | Executive Secretary
Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)