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External review of the concept note on the future role of the policy support function is open now!

Notification period
Download EM/2024/18

Dear IPBES members and other interested stakeholders, 

I am pleased to announce the start of the external review of the concept note on the future role of the policy support function, which corresponds to objective 4 (a) of the IPBES rolling work programme up to 2030, and on ways to strengthen the implementation of this objective 4 (a). 

In paragraph 2 (a) of Annex III to decision IPBES-10/1 the Plenary requested the secretariat to issue a call to IPBES members, experts and relevant stakeholders for inputs on the future role of the policy support function, institutional arrangements, proposals for draft terms of reference, and ways to strengthen the implementation of objective 4 (a). 

In response to this request the secretariat issued, on 17 October 2023, a notification (EM/2023/44) inviting IPBES members, observers and other interested stakeholders to provide inputs on four elements: refining the scope and clarifying the aims of objective 4 (a); identifying the types of activities/deliverables necessary to implement objective 4 (a), and the scale at which they should be implemented; identifying the types of impacts that these activities/deliverables intend to achieve; and identifying options for institutional arrangements and mechanisms to facilitate delivery. 

In response to paragraph 2 (c) of Annex IV to decision IPBES-10/1, the Bureau and Multidisciplinary Expert Panel have developed a concept note on the future role of the policy support function and ways to strengthen the implementation of objective 4 (a) based on the received inputs. Governments, experts and relevant stakeholders are invited to review the concept note and submit their comments, if any, to the secretariat. The comments will be taken into account when preparing a presentation of options for ways to strengthen the implementation of objective 4 (a) to be considered for adoption by the Plenary at IPBES 11.

If you would like to participate as reviewer in this external review, please follow these steps: 

  1. Register as user of the IPBES website ( if you have not already done so; 
  2. Log in first as IPBES website user and after this complete registration at 
  3. Once registered, you will immediately receive an email providing link to the concept note and the review template that should be completed in English only;
  4. You will be requested to submit your comments by uploading the review template at no later than 31 May 2024

I thank you in advance for your continued support to IPBES. 

Yours sincerely, 

Dr Anne Larigauderie | Executive Secretary Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)