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Indigenous and local knowledge: Our work

Indigenous and local knowledge: Our work

Recognizing the contribution of Indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems as a cross-cutting issue relevant to all of its activities, IPBES established a task force on Indigenous and local knowledge systems. Its mandate and responsibilities are described below. Much of IPBES' work with Indigenous Peoples and local communities and on ILK has been coordinated by the technical support unit (TSU) for Indigenous and local knowledge, hosted by the Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) programme, based at UNESCO.

Key achievements and ongoing work in IPBES on ILK include:

  • The development and implementation of the "approach to recognizing and working with ILK in IPBES", which was approved by the Plenary at its fifth session in 2017; 
  • Development and implementation of methodological guidance for recognizing and working with ILK in IPBES; and
  • Development and implementation of a "participatory mechanism", a series of activities and pathways to facilitate the participation of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in IPBES assessments and other activities.

Task force mandate

In decision IPBES-7/1, the Plenary extended the mandate of the existing task force on ILK in order for it to work on the implementation of objective 3 (b) "Enhanced recognition of and work with Indigenous and local knowledge systems” of the rolling work programme of IPBES up to 2030. The Plenary also requested the Bureau and the MEP to constitute the task force in accordance with the revised terms of reference.  The terms of reference for the task force on indigenous and local knowledge in the IPBES work programme up to 2030 (set out in Annex II to decision IPBES-7/1 in May 2019) are as follows:

A. Responsibilities

The task force on indigenous and local knowledge will oversee and take part in the implementation of objective 3 (b) of the rolling work programme up to 2030, “Enhanced recognition of and work with Indigenous and local knowledge systems”, and act in accordance with relevant decisions by the Plenary and its subsidiary bodies, including by: building on lessons learned in the implementation of deliverable 1 (c) of the first work programme; supporting the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel in implementing the approach to recognizing and working with indigenous and local knowledge in IPBES; and guiding the secretariat, including the dedicated technical support unit, in supporting the Panel in implementing the approach.

B. Membership

The task force will comprise up to 14 members covering the five United Nations regions, including: (a) up to 4 members of the Bureau and the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel; (b) members of expert groups of ongoing IPBES assessments and of other relevant task forces; (c) representatives of Indigenous Peoples and local communities; (d) representatives of qualified national, regional and international scientific organizations, centres of excellence and institutions, including experts on Indigenous and local knowledge, known for their work and expertise on issues related to the mandate of the task force; and (e) recognized individual experts on matters related to the mandate of the task force.

Members other than those from the Bureau and the Panel will be selected according to the procedures for the preparation of IPBES deliverables. The term of office of these members will expire at the end of the third session following their selection, with the possibility of re-election. The selection of members should reflect the need for continuity in the work of the task force.

At the discretion of the co-chairs of the task force and following consultation with the Bureau, a limited number of additional experts on indigenous and local knowledge systems and representatives of indigenous and local organizations may be invited to participate in the task force as resource persons.

C. Modus operandi

The task force will be co-chaired by members of the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and/or the Bureau. The task force will work through face-to-face meetings, web-based meetings and other electronic interactions. Products of the task force will be reviewed by the Panel and the Bureau and forwarded to the Plenary for its information and consideration, as appropriate. The task force will foster collaboration with strategic partners and collaborative supporters under the guidance of the Bureau.

The task force will be supported by the secretariat, including a dedicated technical support unit.