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This is a search page for resources (meeting documents, decisions, resolutions, publications, agreements, and IPBES outputs).

Displaying 271 - 300 of 2431
Document Symbol/Title Category Meeting Document Event Meeting document name Meeting Document Type
Decision IPBES-4/3 Decisions IPBES 4 Plenary 平台交付品编写程序 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-1/1 Decisions IPBES 1 Plenary 号决定平台全体会议议事规则 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-1/3 Decisions IPBES 1 Plenary 接收向平台提出的请求并对其进行优先排序的程序 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-2/3 Decisions IPBES 2 Plenary 平台交付品编写程序 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-2/4 Decisions IPBES 2 Plenary 生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台概念框架 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-2/1 Decisions IPBES 2 Plenary 平台全体会议议事规则中关于多学科专家小组的条款的修正 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-2/8 Decisions IPBES 2 Plenary 全体会议与联合国环境规划署、联合国教育、科学及文化组织、联合国粮食及农业组织以及联合国开发计划署建立机构联系的协作伙伴关系安排 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-3/4 Decisions IPBES 3 Plenary 交流、利益攸关方参与和战略伙伴关系 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-4/4 Decisions IPBES 4 Plenary 交流、利益攸关方参与及战略伙伴关系 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-2/9 Decisions IPBES 2 Plenary 交流与外联 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-4/2 Decisions IPBES 4 Plenary 财务和预算表 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-2/7 Decisions IPBES 2 Plenary 财务和预算表 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-3/2 Decisions IPBES 3 Plenary 财务和预算表 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-5/1 Decisions IPBES 5 Plenary 平台第一份工作方案的执行情况 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-5/2 Decisions IPBES 5 Plenary 对平台的审查 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-5/3 Decisions IPBES 5 Plenary 第二份工作方案的制定 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-5/4 Decisions IPBES 5 Plenary 欧洲联盟强化参与平台全体会议的届会 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-5/5 Decisions IPBES 5 Plenary 全体会议第六届和第七届会议的临时议程、日期和地点 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-5/6 Decisions IPBES 5 Plenary 财务和预算表 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-3/1 Decisions IPBES 3 Plenary 2014-2018年工作方案 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-2/5 Decisions IPBES 2 Plenary 2014–2018年时期工作方案 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-4/1 Decisions IPBES 4 Plenary 平台的工作方案 Decisions and resolutions
Resolution establishing the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Decisions Second session of a Plenary meeting on IPBES (UNEP/IPBES-2) Decisions and resolutions
Collaborative partnership arrangement to establish an institutional link between the Plenary and UNEP, UNESCO, FAO, and UNDP Decisions Second session of a Plenary meeting on IPBES (UNEP/IPBES-2) Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-8/1 Decisions IPBES 8 Plenary Implementation of the rolling work programme of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services up to 2030 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-8/2 Decisions IPBES 8 Plenary Terms of office of the members of the Bureau and the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-8/3 Decisions IPBES 8 Plenary Organization of the Plenary and dates and venues of future sessions of the Plenary Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-8/4 Decisions IPBES 8 Plenary Financial and budgetary arrangements Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-9/1 Decisions IPBES 9 Plenary Implementation of the rolling work programme of the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services up to 2030 Decisions and resolutions
Decision IPBES-9/2 Decisions IPBES 9 Plenary Organization of the Plenary and dates and venues of future sessions of the Plenary Decisions and resolutions