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Documents library

This is a search page for resources (meeting documents, decisions, resolutions, publications, agreements, and IPBES outputs).

Displaying 991 - 1020 of 2431
Document Symbol/Title Category Meeting Document Event Meeting document name Meeting Document Type
IPBES 7 closing statement from Eastern European States Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 closing statement from IIFBES Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 closing statement from Latin American and Caribbean States Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 closing statement from ONet Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 closing statement from Western European and other States Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 opening statement from African States Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 opening statement from Asia Pacific States Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 opening statement from Eastern European States Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 opening statement from EU and other member states Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 opening statement from French Ambassador to UNESCO Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 opening statement from IIFBES Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 opening statement from IPBES Chair Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 opening statement from Latin American and Caribbean States Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 opening statement from ONet Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 opening statement from the Executive secretary Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 opening statement from United Nations collaborative partners Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 opening statement from United States of America Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES 7 opening statement from Western European and other States Meeting documents IPBES 7 Plenary Statement
IPBES/8/1 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Provisional agenda Working
IPBES/8/1* Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Provisional agenda Working
IPBES/8/1/Add.1 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Annotations to the provisional agenda Working
IPBES/8/1/Add.2 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Draft decisions for the eighth session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Working
IPBES/8/2 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Report of the Executive Secretary on progress in the implementation of the rolling work programme up to 2030 Working
IPBES/8/3 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Scoping report on assessing the interlinkages among biodiversity, climate, water, food, energy and health (nexus assessment) Working
IPBES/8/4 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Scoping report on assessing the underlying causes of biodiversity loss and the determinants of transformative change (thematic assessment) to achieve the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity Working
IPBES/8/5 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Financial and budgetary arrangements for the Platform Working
IPBES/8/6 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Work on biodiversity and climate change and collaboration with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working
IPBES/8/7 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Work on building capacity, strengthening the knowledge foundations and supporting policy: Deliverables and work plans Working
IPBES/8/8 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Report by the Bureau, the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and the Executive Secretary on progress in addressing the recommendations set out in the report on the review of IPBES at the end of its first work programme Working
IPBES/8/9 Meeting documents IPBES 8 Plenary Organization of work of the Plenary and dates and venues of future sessions of the Plenary Working