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Irish National Children and Young People's Assembly on Biodiversity Loss Uses Global Assessment to Focus Thematic Discussions

Ireland's first-ever national Childen and Young People's Assembly on Biodiversity Loss has been taking place for some of the country's youngest citizens to talk about how to better protect and restore biodiversity in Ireland. Aged 7-17, the children and young people are meeting in two weekend workshops to participate in biodiversity-themed discussions, nature trails and problem-solving brainstorming sessions.

Although focused on national issues of nature loss, organiser Diarmuid Torney said: "The work of IPBES has informed our planning for the assembly in important ways. Probably the most important way in which we have drawn on IPBES findings is that we have divided the group of 35 assembly members into five thematic groups, each of which has been allocated one of the five key direct drivers of biodiversity loss as identified in the 2019 IPBES Global Assessment Report." The finding of one million species of plants and animals at risk of extinction has also provided a global context to the discussions.
Global assessment (1st work programme), Stakeholder engagement, Communications
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