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Impact Tracking Database: Submission #627

Submission Number: 627
Submission ID: 75967
Submission UUID: 3b9ddbbc-03f5-4e3b-b337-6da575b3c6b5
Submission URI: /impact-tracking

Created: Mon, 26/02/2024
Completed: Mon, 26/02/2024
Changed: Mon, 26/02/2024

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Amarys Preuss
Language: English

Is draft: No

Dutch Minister for Nature Briefs Parliament on IPBES 10 Plenary Decisions and Implications for Dutch Biodiversity Policies

On 6 December 2023 the Dutch Minister for Nature and Nitrogen briefed the Netherlands Parliament on the outcomes of the 10th IPBES Plenary session (28 August-2 September 2023).
The Minister proposes several policies to be implemented in light of the decisions adopted at IPBES10:
- Invasive alien species: proposal for the continued and urgent implementation of the European Exotics Species Regulation, introduction of a national invasive species regulation, developing an approach and national strategy plan focused on prevention and early elimination, in accordance with the findings of the IPBES Invasive Alien Species Report which highlighted the lower cost of prevention of biological invasions rather than control and management of such invasions after they have taken place.
- IPBES-IPCC collaboration: national focal points for both intergovernmental organisations are encouraged to seek more cooperation at their own level, following the IPBES decision encouraging more interaction with IPCC counterparts.
- Dutch commitment to IPBES: The government commits to continuing its participation in SPM negociations, to ensure uptake and awareness of IPBES reports and attract more scientists and knowledge holders in IPBES processes. One key tool created for implementation of this policy is the creation of the Dutch IPBES Secretariat in May 2023, hosted by Naturalis and IUCN-NL.
Biodiversity and climate change, Invasive alien species assessment, Plenary
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