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Impact Tracking Database: Submission #593

Submission Number: 593
Submission ID: 72941
Submission UUID: 3309bdab-614c-4fd7-bb31-f93d540fcb62
Submission URI: /impact-tracking

Created: Mon, 20/11/2023
Completed: Mon, 20/11/2023
Changed: Wed, 22/11/2023

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Fernando Neda
Language: English

Is draft: No

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability Publishes Special Journal Issue Focused on IPBES Values Assessment

The October 2023 edition (Volume 64) of the journal Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability was published as a special issue focusing on the IPBES Values Assessment, with 15 articles exploring nature’s values, transformative change and sustainability, and other related themes.

In it's Editorial Overview titled "Leveraging the multiple values of nature for transformative change to just and sustainable futures — Insights from the IPBES Values Assessment," the authors state: "This special issue draws on the IPBES Values Assessment published in 2022 and engages with key questions about the role of values and valuation of nature for transformative change towards more just and sustainable futures. The special issue presents papers that review topics about how to conceptualise value diversity and undertake valuation to guide decisions geared towards transformative change. It also focuses on how power, justice and socio-environmental conflicts intersect with nature’s values, and the role of diverse values in conservation and development policy instruments."

The "Values for transformative change: The IPBES approach" special edition was edited by Unai Pascual, Patricia Balvanera and Mike Christie - the three co-Chairs of the IPBES Assessment.
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Values assessment
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